As per usual with Dino Charge Holiday episodes, so far, I was not disappointed with this clip show. While clips were showcased throughout the entire episode, there was a clear reason as to why the clips were being shown and they weren’t too long. Usually during clip episodes the clips seem to slow the story down, but just as Dino Charge succeeded with “Ghostest With The Mostest” Halloween Special so have they succeeded with “Race To Rescue Christmas” much more so than Super Samurai’s “Stuck On Christmas” & Megaforce’s “RoboKnight Before Christmas” who were not really able to keep an interesting story going while the clips were shown. Let’s take a holly-jolly look back at this episode!
The Decor: One of the best part of any holiday episode is to see the familiar locale in the show decked out in holiday cheer! In this instance we get to see the Dino Bite cafe decked out in holiday lanterns, garland and a Christmas tree!
Poisandra & Santa: Poisandra was once again of fire in these episodes with her coy and whimsical dialogue. I rather find Poisandra to be hilarious and a fun addition to any scene she is in and to see her interact with Santa, and demand presents, was on par with her character. I loved every second of this interaction!
Plus did you notice that Santa was played by John Sumner , Fresno Bob of Power Rangers RPM 😀
The Naughty/Nice Machine: As I mentioned above I am rather enjoying how Dino Charge is handling the clips needing to be showcased. In this instance Santa’s Naughty/Nice machine was utilized by the villains in order to find the Ranger’s secret base. Which is not a bad idea at all, by the way/ Poisandra, Curio and Wrench watched clips from the Ranger’s past in the show attempting to find the entrance. Hilarity ensues.
Koda Doesn’t Know Santa: I am so severely nitpicking here, but this kinda bothered me when we first saw the preview clips for this episode. How in the hell does Koda not know who Santa is? Koda has been the child-like voice throughout the season and it just seemed so out of character and random that he didn’t know who Santa was! Especially since Koda has been seen interacting with modern technology and ways of life and EVEN knows how to work a cell phone! Even Ivan & Curio (and the other villains) knew who the jolly man was and while others will say Koda is very old and was frozen for quite some time Santa has been around since the 4th Century! Then how can he work a cell phone and go all that time and never hear of Santa? I mean, looking for logic in the Christmas Special is exhausting but that irritated me for some odd reason 😛 Moving on….
Sledge In A Santa Hat: This entire episode was worth it just for this screen-cap.
Chase’s Family: It was rather sweet to see Chase’s family so diligently preparing for his return home. It was especially heart-warming to welcome back Chase’s sister, Chloe and meet his mom for the first time. Since her first episode I have loved the relationship between Chase and his little sister. It’s just so cute and heartwarming to see their scenes together and this episode only slams the feelz home!
Chase & Santa: After all the clips are done and the large Spike Ball had been dispatched it was time to resolve the issue of Chase’s flight home to New Zealand. We get a shot of Chase being incredibly sad that he missed his flight as Keeper and the others attempt to comfort him. Suddenly, Santa to the rescue to once again Save Christmas and take Chase to see his sister! Because the Rangers don’t currently have two gigantic Zords that fly….
Chase’s Gift: How adorable was this? Not only was Chase the master of epic Halloween ghost costumes, he also took the time to assemble a group gift for his friends. Each person received a picture piece of the puzzle that only when brought together creates the entire picture. What an interesting allegory for not only this team of Rangers but Power Rangers as a whole, don’t you think?
The Ending: Let’s be real, not a lot of the Holiday episodes in Power Rangers, since the early days, have actually given me feelz for the characters and the holiday in play. But you have to admit you were just a little giddily happy when Chase and Chloe were reunited in time for Christmas! I mean, you don’t have a heart in ice, do you? 😀
Final Thoughts
After several of the Holiday episodes in the Neo-Saban Era have been sub par at best, it is once again refreshed in Power Rangers Dino Charge. Where they have succeeded with the Halloween Special, here they have succeeded in creating an interesting Holiday episode while still being able to make it a clip show that isn’t boring as hell. It was fun to watch the villains and Rangers interact with Santa and was completely heartwarming to see Chase and Chloe finally reunite for the holiday. Rather strange that we don’t see any of the other Rangers’ families but here we are. A solid Holiday episode that gives me hope for the specials in Dino Super Charge!
1 More Episode to Go!
Story: 10/10
Action: 8/10
Writing: 9/10
All Together: 9/10