Had you ever heard of or watched Power Rangers before auditioning?
A: Yes I’d heard of it…had filmed for a week with Jason Frank on Undressed (MTV) the year before I was cast on Wild Force.
What was the audition process for Wild Force like? Did you audition prior?
A: I auditioned numerous times for the show….it was the same script to read every time and they’d put it on film every time. I’d just assumed they’d lost the footage as they kept having me come back to read the same lines over and over again without advancing me; meaning I wasn’t reading each time for the producers which was just odd. When I finally read for a room packed with the producers I’d resigned myself to never go back to read for the show again…. the show was cast 35 miles away from my house so 70 miles round trip. I walked in and wasn’t nervous because in my mind they were never going to cast me anyways. I called my agent the next day and said I’d never go back to read for the show and she laughed and said well Aly…….. you got the part!! So funny!!!!!!!!
Do you remember what was it like to hear you got the part?
A: I was totally shocked…….. I really thought I was wrong for the show; thought I was too old as in the audition process everyone else looked younger than I was………go figure!!!
What was your first day on the set like?
A: We were all so excited………. the set was amazing and although it was 5:45 a.m. we were wide awake and ready to work!
Who would you say was your closest friend on the set?
A: Ricardo and I were buddies…….still are buddies…………he’s a super sweet guy and we had a lot of fun together. Jack is someone who loves to laugh..his laugh makes you laugh..we definitely had some good laughs. Ann Marie who played Princess Shayla was also super sweet. Always smiling, positive and warm.
Any funny behind the scenes stories?
A: Trying to think of some………training was pretty crazy for the show lot’s of rolling around trying to look like professional Rangers and looking more like drunk people falling over….not stunt people.
If you can remember, What was your favorite Wild Force episode to film?
A: Definitely my personal episode where I was able to wear a real G suit and sit in a real F-16..F-15? I got to stretch as an actress…show some of my acting chops……also of course our Time Force team up. That entire cast was sooooooooooooo much fun………soooooooooo professional and super talented. We had a great time working with them!!
How did you go about playing Taylor? Were there pieces of your own personality in her?
A: Welllllll……….:)…………. I have been known to be bossy.especially in my younger years……. I’m a very strong woman but I don’t have mean bones………but I do fight for justice and I’m very protective of anyone who I see needs my help. My strength has been misconstrued at first by some till people get to really know me. Then they just see I’m just a softy!! Come on I’m a Pisces!! 🙂
Do you happen to own any Taylor or Wild Force merchandise?
A: Oh yeahhhhh……. have my toy…love how the head flips!!! Some other little Taylor figures……….ones in my car. Most are gifts from fans………insanely generous and sweet so grateful for them!
What was it like to become a Military student and take on the role? Do you think Taylor is a role model for little girls?
A: When she softened up just a bit yes definitely………. punching poor Cole in the first episode was a bit harsh!! 🙂 She’s strong and fights for what’s right so yes!! Being a character in the Air Force was such an honor. I had a responsibility to do the role justice and try to live up to the standards they keep.
If you were to return to Power Rangers, what would Taylor be doing today?
A: Gotta say she’d be flying still………..it’s a part of who she is…….maybe pilot training.
Are you currently working on any projects you want your fans to know about? Where can we Officially follow you on social networks?
A: Yes been preparing to shoot “The One Way Ride” a feature film I’m starring in shooting in January. It’s the part of a lifetime and I’m the female lead………super strong and intense. It’s the same amazing writer director Larry Bishop whose film I was in which was in theaters in 2008 called “Hell Ride”. Quentin Tarantino was the Executive Producer on that film and it was produced by the Weinsteins! This film will definitely stand out!
I also booked the lead last year in another feature called “House Rules” by Lei Mowatt but we’re still waiting to set a date for that shoot.
I just Co-Produced something amazing….can’t say what it is just yet……with Alison Macinnis and Steven Skyler and seven other amazing female Rangers spanning from the second season of the Power Rangers, the awesome Karan Ashley, up through last season with Ciara Hanna!! It was so much fun to shoot with all of these ladies we’re now a big family!! The other Rangers are Erin Cahill, Deborah Estelle Robinson, Nakia Burrise, Catherine Sutherland and Anna Hutchison. These woman amaze and inspire me and were amazing!! Wait till you see what we’ve created for the fans!!
I also have my mustard business up and running. It’s called Sullivan Farms Sweet & Spicy Mustard!! It’ll be back in stores soon.
Thank you for having me on the show I so appreciate it!!! Can’t wait to see you guys at the Comikaze Con at the end of this month!!
You can follow me on Instagram at alysulli. Much love 🙂 Alyson a.k.a. Taylor!!!