What a fantastic Halloween Special and just what we would expect from Power Rangers Dino Charge. It can be said that the first two Halloween Episodes of the Neo-Saban era were pretty much crap AND were heavily relying on clips from previous episodes. However, even Megaforce succeeded in doing a clip show but still having an overarching story AND a Halloween theme. Dino Charge does this formula one better by lowering the amount of clips, giving them reasons for being there, keeping the Halloween spirit AND keeping us entertained!
Let’s go over the spoopy moments!
Kendall, Miss Morgan: Any episode where Kendall gets most of the focus is fine by me! Kendall not only got the more flashy costume but the episode revolved around her intelligence and deductive reasoning!
The Computer: It was a very Kendall thing to create a lie detector program in order to catch up the fake Ranger at their own act! I loved the twist when we were all led to believe that Shelby was the fake when in fact it was Koda the entire time! Sadly, my prediction of Koda was correct but not for the reasons I predicted! Oh well! Still it was an interesting twist!
Curio Wants Candy: I love scenes with Curio, I just do! When he was keeping an eye on the kidnapped Ranger but ached to go Trick r Treating was so very cute, but I just wish Poisandra had been involved more! I mean, Curio had a cute little pail to get candy in! Love Him!
The Fake: I would have loved to see more of Koda VS Koda because how epic would that fight have been!?
The Halloween Atmosphere: Halloween is my all-time favorite Holiday so I do look forward to these types of episodes (regardless of what TV Show it is) and so I love to notice small things. We not only saw Noah’s Einstein jack-o-lantern but it was fun to see the party-goers smashing a pinata and doing limbo! For some odd reason they used the “Mia & Emily Fashion Montage” music from Super Samurai in this scene, strangely, it seemed to fit.
Memorella: Female Monsters are one of my favorite things about Power Rangers (and Sentai) and I was so hoping they would find a way to use this monster! I was very happy with her voice as well since she took on a Dracula, Transylvania-like, voice! I had a little prediction that the Rangers would create tension between Memorella and Poisandra by making Sledge fall in love with her. That would’ve been a good twist! Or I’m just looking for ways to add more Poisandra lol.
Recreating Duplicon: This introduced a very good idea which I am sure will become more abundant as time passes. Wrench was able to recreate the monsters with his new machine, which allows Sledge the opportunity to collect the bounty even if the Rangers have destroyed them before. This also leaves it open for the Villains to recreate previously destroyed monsters in future episodes. As some of us who have seen Kyoryuger before we know that several monsters return for major plot points! Also, shout out to the prop people for re-using the Fury 1993 light-up machine LOL.
Dino Cupid Charger: Tying in this charger with this monster and Kendall dressed as Cupid was rather clever in order to introduce the Charger!
Plus it was rather funny to see the Vivix in love with Memorella as she was overrun with their infatuation! I am curious if this charger will appear again in the future 😉
The Pachy Zord: The episode airing order was clearly out of order here. This happens many many times with the Halloween and Christmas specials where fans attempt to find ways to place it in continuity. Normally, especially during the Neo-Saban era, no Zords that had never been seen before were shown during these specials. (except for the massive reveals in Clash of the Red Rangers) The Pachy Zord should premiere in the next episode of Dino Charge. Which makes no sense why they aired the Halloween Episode on the 17th and not the 24th….. (more thoughts on the Pachy Zord next review!)
Chase In Love: Ok, how Hilarious was it when the other Rangers dodged the chance that Chase would fall in love with them! It was cute but not that surprising that Chase would fall in love with his own reflection! Classic Chase!
The Ship Sails: More development and tiny stolen moments with Shelby and Tyler!
Final Thoughts
As with clip shows we know that most of us don’t like them very much. However, at least with the last two Halloween specials the producers/writers have at least attempted to make us laugh, have a good time and still have a decently original episode. Megaforce started it out right and Dino Charge just knocked it out of the park. The clips were minimal at best and were essential to the plot.
The Sentai footage played with what we wanted from a small clip show, except for Pachy Zord showing up for no reason.
All together this Halloween Episode was rather good and a great time to watch! I knew deep in my heart of hearts that the new Lynn regime would not let us down, even with a clip show! Keep the Faith Ranger Fans!
Story: 10/10
Action: 10/10
Writing: 10/10
All Together: 10/10