A fairly straight forward and fun filler episode! This will most likely be a super short review as not a lot happened to talk about. I will say that I laughed a lot during this episode because there were so many tiny moments that were sprinkled in! From Kendall getting annoyed with children to Tyler’s flourish of his coat! It was the small things that made up this episode! We saw some different character traits in Tyler we’ve never seen before and it could not be more welcome in my opinion! Let’s talk moments!
Shelby & the Jacket: So I have to get this off my chest because this bothered me. This has to be the first, and hopefully the last, time that I disliked Shelby in any fashion. I honestly felt so bad for Tyler when she totally dissed him wearing that, albeit atrocious, jacket and then went and bought the same jacket with Ivan. Which she then claimed to love. I mean that is some ratchet stuff to do to someone, even if they’re your friend, ESPECIALLY if you have shown interest in him for 12 episodes. To me, that was low down and hurtful of her. Again, I love Shelby and I hope this is the last time I have to criticize her but come on that was so messed up, girl!
The Rivalry: A lot of people criticized the rivalry between Tyler and Ivan in this episode. While it was short-lived and resolved fairly quickly I think it speaks true to actual sane relationships/friendships where you don’t have to hold a grudge for 6 episodes for it to matter. They had beef and they squashed it in a fair manner. I don’t see anything wrong with this resolution! That’s how it’s worked in Power Rangers for years, they have a problem and then it’s solved all within the 21 minute mark!
Hello! Welcome to Power Rangers!
Again, Brennan Mejia continues to be great as Tyler giving us some jealous realness this episode. I actually liked Tyler a little vindictive and jealous. I mean, we all have that inside of us. It just gave Tyler more depth in my opinion.
Wrench & Smokescreen: Watching these two was like watching an old rerun of I Love Lucy, only with bombs. How hard did I laugh when they forgot to set the darn timer, LOL I mean come on that schtick is funny!
Making the Bomb Grow: That was a really interesting way of using the Sentai footage while creating original footage! Plus it was actually kind of clever of Sledge!
Tri-Stego-Ptera Formation: Beautiful Sentai footage here and it was awesome to see Tyler and Ivan in the same cockpit fighting alongside each other! Beautiful footage!
The Famed Duck Mouth: This part made the episode for me! How cute was it when Tyler and Ivan made up and then took an epic selfie with that duck mouth pose LOL! Also, I love all these Dino related food they keep making up. Haha Ptunadactyl.
Hilarious! Power Rangers Gold! Hehe get it?
Final Thoughts
Well, this has to be one of the shortest reviews I’ve ever done because there was just not enough to talk about. While it was pretty funny and had a lot of cute moments, this episode is probably the weakest entry in Dino Charge so far. Which is sad because there was a big to-do about the 800th episode. Oh well, the series as a whole is still fantastic and the weakest episode of a strong series is really not that big of a deal. No plot development this episode but lots of character development which is always welcome in my book AND we got a new Megazord formation! Score!
Story: 7/10
Action: 7/10
Writing: 8/10
All Together: 7.3/10