You know her as the tough as nails Yellow Ranger with super strength from Power Rangers Time Force! She’s just made a triumphant return to the Power Rangers Fandom and Deborah Estelle Philips aka Katie has sat down with us to answer our Legacy Questions!
Had you ever heard of or watched Power Rangers before auditioning?
A: Yes, I had heard of the show years ago and was actually surprised that it was still on by the time I was asked to audition.
What was the audition process for Time Force like? Had you auditioned prior?
A: It was an extremely long process. It took about 5 months before being casted as Katie. I actually wore camouflage pants for every audition thinking it would make me look tough considering I had no martial arts experience. Little did I know I would end up wearing camo pants throughout the entire season. I was asked to audition for Lightspeed Rescue the year before but turned it down because I was new in the business and didn’t feel confident enough to star on a tv show :-/
Do you remember what was it like to hear you got the part?
A: I remember feeling like I won an incredible opportunity. It was a dream come true!
What was your first day on the set like?
A: That first day was a blast. The cast had a few weeks to get to know one another before shooting which was great because it allowed us time to really bond. I remember filming at night with our second unit team in our Time Force uniforms. We got thrown right into the action immediately. The explosions were so exhilarating!
Who would you say was your closest friend on the set?
A: That’s a tough one. We all got along great and would always hang out in each other’s dressing rooms in-between filming. Kevin, Mike and I were like the 3 musketeers though…maybe because we bonded during the audition process.
Any funny behind the scenes stories?
A: Our stunt team was amazing. They were so patient with me…God bless their hearts. I kicked our stunt guy Reuben Langdon in the face during a rehearsal once.
If you can remember, What was your favorite Time Force episode to film?
A: There were a few. But I would have to say, I loved filming “Full Exposure”. I loved shooting the scene where Katie stops the elevator from falling. Even though we had a prop guy blowing smoke through a tube to look as though my hands were burning, it was very empowering.
How did you go about playing Katie? Were there pieces of your own personality in her?
A: Absolutely. I’ve always had a bubbly and over-the-top personality which came natural when playing Katie. Her super human strength was only used when absolutely necessary so I focused on her not knowing her own strength. I did have the best time tossing Reuben Langdon out of a car so effortlessly…poor Reuben :-/
Do you happen to own any Katie or Time Force merchandise?
A: I am so sad to say that I do not. I wish I did though.
What was it like to get all dolled up for “Movie Madness” in that giant yellow dress!?
A: Awww…I felt like a movie star. That was one of my most memorable days filming Ranger’s because it was a total fairytale moment and I finally got to wear something other than what I’ve been wearing the entire time on the show.
If you were to return to Power Rangers, what would Katie be doing today?
A: She would probably be multitasking as a super mom/super hero. PTA meetings and Anti-bullying campaigns during the day and then fighting crime at night when the kids are in bed.
Are you currently working on any projects you want your fans to know about? Where can we Officially follow you on social networks?
A: I am actually a mother of a 2 year old boy with my Husband of 4 years. They are my priority right now and I am so grateful to be able to go to conventions and share one of the greatest times of my life with them and meet the community that has kept the series running after all these years. I truly feel blessed and honored to have been a part of it. I just recently joined Facebook so the power ranger time force fans can follow me at www.facebook.com/deborahestellephilipsfanpage.