Some new images of upcoming Dino Charger Sets were found yesterday including the Ptera Charge Zord (with #6 Charger and #8 Pachy Zord), Archelon (with #6 Ptera Charge Zord Battery and #21 Archelon) & Pachy Zord (with #8 Pachy Zord amd #21 Archelon)
But what was so cool is that it looks like we are also getting translucent T-Rex and Para Zord figures as well! The Translucent T-Rex xomes with a special Red T-Rex Batter and Purple & Gold #16 Diplodocus Charger!
The Translucent Para Zord comes with a Special Black Para Charger & the same #16 Diplodocus Charger!
Images Below the Jump!