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I am only sharing this image below to share my thoughts, the original poster should get your view too 🙂
Thanks to a New Post from The Power Scoop we have some awesome Concept Art from Power Rangers Dino Charge including this pretty cool rendering of Sledge and his throne!
Please Visit the Original Source of this News Story for more of the Amazing Concept Art!
But the best image was of a the Megazord Cockpit with the Gold Ranger, Plesio Marker AND a New US Original Power-Up!
Spoilers! After the Jump!
Ok, here you can see we (for the first time) the Gold Ranger in the Megazord Cockpit, the Plesio Symbol (for the Purple Ranger) above the Rangers but what is most interesting is the power up mode seen in this image.
Personally, I love this design. But I was a fan of Mega Mode as well. I just think it’s pretty cool when initiative is created, not only to sell toys, but to make the series a little more special than the Sentai counterpart!
I am super curious how this mode will actually appear in the show, bulging out of their chest like that!
The toys have called this a “Charged Up Mode” and I had predicted months ago it would be used in the cockpit ala Mega Mode in Samurai’s Megazord Cockpit. However, one wonders if we will see this mode outside of the cockpit!
What Do You Think of the Spoilers?