According to a new article from The Wrap, Lionsgate Executives seem more hopeful than fans these days as they expressed their faith in the release date move. Many have contended that the move from July 2016 to January 2017 was movie death, but Lionsgate Motion Pictures Group Co-Chairman Rob Friedman explained;
“We’re very excited and with Dean’s [Israelite] vision; we felt very comfortable looking for opportunistic dating,”
“We really believe that great movies deliver no matter what date they’re on.”
The Exec went on to make a few more points that such movies like “American Sniper” saw great releases during this time period. However, that movie severely played on the ideals of it’s audience which may not be the same for Power Rangers, which is a more of a Fantasy Nostalgic Action Packed Movie.
What made the most interesting piece from this short interview article was that Lionsgate is viewing Power Rangers as a
“significant series of movies,” “We’re picking a date where we think we can win.”
I find it very interesting and intriguing that the franchise could be moving onto a sequel based movie franchise. This can either be a very good thing or a bad thing. Hopefully the first movie can grasp audiences and pull them into the Power Ranger Cinematic Universe (should there be one!)
I already believed that Lionsgate had to have had good reasons to push the date back, meaning money. However, the Execs seem to have a failry good graps on what is going on with the movie and have faith the date move will be practical.
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