A popular trope in the Power Rangers Universe is the strange and sometimes forced connection between the Red and Pink Rangers. In both Power Rangers and Super Sentai the Rangers of Red and Pink seem to gravitate towards each other. This connection can be very apparent or never appear at all. However, fans of the shows tend to group the two together in every season no matter what the connection!
In the article below we go over each Pink and Red Duos to find out what, if any, connection the two may have. Were they pushed together by the writers, the fans or obscurity?!
Jason Lee Scott & Kimberly Hart
It has been said that in the early days of MMPR, before the Green Ranger was even known to exist, that a romance between Kimberly and Jason was brewing in the background. Though we all know that story was dropped in favor of a Tommy & Kimberly connection.
They were quite chummy during the Turbo Movie; Sometimes I wonder what would’ve happened with these two!
(In the Sentai… Geki and Mei had a few moments or glances, a general Pink/Red trope but no real romance.)
Tommy Oliver & Katherine Hillard
In the closing half of Power Rangers Zeo, Kat and Tommy began to initiate a romance after Kimberly poorly dumped Tommy in a letter.
During Zeo and onto Turbo, the two carried on a relationship even though the shadow of Kimberly always loomed over them. There was a nice kiss on the cheek!
Strangely, during the Zeo Holiday Special “A Season to Remember” Kat and Tommy were both shown as elderly with children and grandchildren of their own. While this doesn’t really connect well with the rest of Tommy’s story, it’s still an interesting tidbit thrown in!
(In the Sentai… OhRed and OhPink had a deep admiration for one another, not quite the same.)
TJ Johnson & Cassie Chan
These two had a few passing glances and adorable moments during Power Rangers Turbo, especially how they were introduced. Sadly, it looked like a romance between the two was soon forgotten as Cassie went after the Phantom Ranger in a whole other story line.
Andros & Cassie Chan
In Space was a strange season for color match-ups. Andros was clearly infatuated with Ashley, a romance that took quite some time, while Cassie was still infatuated with the Phantom Ranger. In this case, no real romance was seen from Red and Pink!
Leo Corbett & Kendrix Morgan
In the early episodes of Power Rangers Lost Galaxy you could tell that Leo, and many of the other men of Terra Venture, found Kendrix to be intoxicating! Leo kept up his infatuation with Kendrix until it faded away in later episodes and Leo’s glance went elsewhere.
Leo Corbett & Karone
After Kendrix died, Karone took over the Pink Quasar Saber. There were a few moments of bonding between these two as Karone defeated her former self and Leo gained his new Battlizer. However, their relationship fell to the wayside as the Finale loomed closer.
Carter Grayson & Dana Mitchell
This is a popular ship among Ranger Fans, but besides a small dream sequence and their introduction, there was no real romantic interaction between these two. However, a lot of viewers would say otherwise!
(In the Sentai… GoGoV was an all sibling team of Rangers, no Romance there!)
Wes Collins & Jen Scotts
Jen was originally engaged to Alex in the Year 3000 and was thrust into the past after his death. She meets Wes who is identical to her deceased fiance. As the season progresses Jen becomes more enamored with Wes. I love this build up of a story because at first Jen despised the rookie in Wes, but soon the relationship blossomed with a tiny kiss on the cheek!
These two changed the dynamics once more, instead of the Red Ranger being in charge instead the Pink Ranger gives the commands.
(In the Sentai… The romance goes over time and space and is the same!)
Jack Landors & Syd Drew
These two SPD Cadets celebrate their Birthdays on the same day, but no other real connections romantic wise were established during SPD.
(In the Sentai… Ban and Umeko never really seemed to have a romance blossom! )
Nick Russell & Vida Rocca
Clearly there were no real romantic connections here as Nick was definitely into Madison instead of her sister!
(In the Sentai… Kai and Houka were siblings, as were the entire Magiranger team!)
Mack Hartford & Rose Ortiz
Another trope proven wrong here.
(In the Sentai… Satoru and Sakura seemed to give each other the fierce romantic look here and there!)
Jayden Shiba & Mia Watanabe
An issue with Samurai is that it followed so closely to the source material that the fans picked up on tropes that were in the Sentai but not necessarily in Power Rangers. Jayden and Mia were the first causalities of this assumption. While we can see that Mia has great admiration for Jayden and his position, real romantic love seriously doesn’t seem there.
(In the Sentai… Takeru and Mako fell along the same lines but had a slight lean towards romantic admiration; a much more valid display than in Power Rangers.)
Troy Burrows & Emma Goodall
Another example of putting the Red and Pink Rangers together for no real reason. While Emma and Troy attempted to bond throughout the season they still became two of the most unknown. It seemed as if Emma had more of a connection with Orion and the looks Troy got from Gia were more romantic!
While they both got several focus episodes they never succeeded at either creating a romance or developing period.
(In the Sentai… Alata and Eri were a tribal duo in Goseiger, but no romance there.)
Tyler Navarro & Shelby Watkins
While the Sentai randomly sprung the same romance on us, Dino Charge decided to slowly ease us into a romance between Shelby and Tyler. In the first few episodes Tyler grew to find Shelby cute and his smile only brightened as they interact. Shelby seems to be playing it cool, barely showing how she feels for Tyler with just a coy smile!
(In the Sentai… It was sprung at the last minute but a romance between Daigo and Amy was very clear later on.)
Brody Romero & Sarah Thompson
Brody & Sarah had a close friendship early on but nothing beyond a platonic friendship sparked from this Red Ranger & Pink Ranger.
(In the Sentai… These two were cousins!)
Zayto & Amelia Jones
Zayto & Amelia were nothing more than close friends due to Amelia’s budding relationship with Ollie Akana.