It’s a big Month for Morphin’ Legacy! Our Ranger of the Month, Alan Palmer (Corcus) has graciously allowed us to ask him a few questions about his time on the set of Mighty Morphin’ Alien Rangers, his NOH8 Ranger Pioneering AND of course his friendship with our beloved Rajia Baroudi (Delphine)!
Take a read after the jump for his awesome answers to our questions!
What was the makeup process like to become Corcus?
A: We went to a special effects studio and they poured plaster over our entire head and neck. When the half mask was made, we had a makeup artist who painted our faces with a gold and purple makeup to give our look dimension. In the first couple of episodes we were in the makeup chair for a good 90 minutes. It got easier later in the shoots.
Who was your favorite to hang out with on set?
A: I think that is obvious! Rajia became such a best friend and has continued to be so. That being said, I loved all of them, But Rajia is my buddy!!!
What are some of your favorite moments with your Fans? (Young and Old)
A: I have been in awe with everyone that I meet! The fans are so gracious, kind and appreciative. I am a shy person by nature and the first Morphicon that I attended, I had a few trepidations. When each fan came to the table to say hello, and told me a bit about themselves, I immediately felt at home! This last Morphicon, I was so touched to meet even more fans! What a true blessing!
As Fans, we don’t know much about Corcus; Have you ever heard fun fan theories or made up your own about his backstory?
A: I would love to hear what fans think of Corcus and his back story. Some thought he might have turned bad at some point! I think that would have been fun! I always felt like Corcus was the youngest and more naïve of the group. I felt like he hadn’t yet learned to speak and was constantly processing what was going on around him. If the fans noticed, my ear was cocked to the side a bit, it was out of a curious state and discovery.
Do you own any of the Black Aquitian Ranger’s toys or merchandise?
A: The last Morphicon, a couple of fans brought me some fun merchandise!! I had the collectible toy when it first came out and I gave it to my son to play with and then he either got rid of it or lost it.
Did you get to keep anything from the set of Power Rangers?
A: NO!!! I wish I would have asked for our alien head!!!! They made us two and I do wish I would have asked for it! Strangely enough, I did keep all of my scripts.
If you remember, what was your favorite Corcus moment to film?
A: I totally remember my favorite moment! We were filming at Castaic Lake. We were searching for water and found an ice-cream truck. I dive into the popsicles! I must have eaten a good 40 popsicles that day! I had about five in my hand at a time and every time they yelled cut, they would bring me a whole new set of popsicles!
We love your friendship with Rajia Baroudi who played Delphine! How did you two stay such good friends?
A: We are like minded people who believe in treating people with kindness and understanding. EVEN THE PEOPLE THAT ARE NOT THE KINDEST TO US, WE STILL TREAT THEM WITH RESPECT. I am so thankful for my dear Rajia! I am glad people see the love that we have for each other!
You were one of the first Power Rangers to take a NOH8 photo and started a popular trend amongst Ranger Actors. What does the cause mean to you?
A: My family went to take a photo with NOH8 for Christmas one year and Christopher Hayden mentioned that he was a fan of the Rangers and wanted to get all of the rangers in on the project. I WAS TOTALLY UP FOR IT!! Adam is such an amazing artist!! My family has been advocating the rights of same sex couples to marry for many years because my husband and I are a same sex couple who has been raising two amazing children and will be celebrating our 25 anniversary this October. It’s surprising since I am only 28! he he
Of your many projects post Power Rangers, what are a few some Ranger fans should know about?
A: Wow, I have been touring my film, Stage Door Divas in the film festival circuit, touring my live show, Fabulous Divas of Hollywood, working on three television projects, Caroling Showdown, May We Help You, and Startup Relaunch, writing two books, Stories My Grandma Told Me and “You Know It’s A Bad Date When…”, directing a live show, Pump Boys And Dinettes, and a couple of commercials. Bla blab la!