Treat as Rumor until Confirmed
Some Charged Up rumors have been spreading within the fandom lately and they have to do with the mysterious travels ahead for Claire Blackwelder. Yes, a 6th Person is making the trip to New Zealand along with Brennan Mejia, James Davies, Camille Hyde, Michael Taber & Yoshi Sudarso!
Via her social media, Claire made it clear that she was indeed traveling to New Zealand for Power Rangers Dino Charge!
On her Facebook the SoCal VoCals wished her good luck on her travels!
Again on her Instagram account she and her friends posed together before she was to head out to New Zealand!
You can follow her on Twitter here.
There is no official word just yet and whether or nor Claire will be playing our Violet Ranger, but it is quite the coincidence that suddenly an American Girl is being taken to New Zealand for Dino Charge. One could guess that this 6th Member could be Violet!
Until we have 100% Permission treat this as a rumor and with a grain of salt!
UPDATE: Claire spotted in New Zealand with the other Dino Charge Rangers