Wow! What a day yesterday was, am I right? We got an amazing announcement that the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers will be returning to the Big Screen in a new Reboot Feature Film!
For Information on the New Movie Click Here
I do have to remind many of you of a few things. This is a Mighty Morphin’ Reboot and not of the entire franchise and we do not know many details about the Movie just yet, but rest assured that we will deliver the news as it arrives! Many Fans on Social Media are already beginning to speculate on what can happen with this new movie and what should not happen. I am more of a person to spread my ideas out and with this article I want to give you a few ideas and point out some things on how I would like to see this movie be made.
#1: An Original Cast
Let’s be real here, this is a re-imagining of the original Mighty Morphin’ storyline. While it is wonderful to see that many of the fans out there want to see former actors in the movie, it just does not feel right for this movie. Plus, it defeats the fact that this is a re-imagined reboot.
I feel it is best to cast unknowns in the roles just as they do in the series, only there would be more leeway to obtain a more experienced actor that is still relatively unknown.
I am so excited to see what actors they will cast as our iconic Rangers and welcome this change! It’s time to pass the torch!
Please remember that NO, this does not ruin your childhood.
#2: No Jason David Frank, Please.
Come on. Pass the torch already, not everything has to involve JDF nor does it even have to include Tommy. This movie may even revolve around only the main 5 Rangers and not even bring up Tommy. Given the recent actions by JDF asking his followers to harass the people at Lionsgate and then deleting his comments later, it again just shows that he shouldn’t be involved in this movie. Besides, a re-imagining means completely re-vamping the characters and story. Bringing him back for this movie seems absurd to me. After all, he’s no Leonard Nimoy.
But, I am pretty confident that the character of “Tommy” will appear in the movie and I welcome a new Ranger into the Green Spandex!
[Insert Obligatory Dr. K “That is not Spandex” Line]
#3: Bring Back the Voice Actors
While I am against bringing the former Cast Members back for the movie, I find no reason why the voice actors for Goldar (Kerrigan Mahan), Rita (Barbara Goodson) and Lord Zedd (Robert Axelrod), among others, cannot return! After all, no one does Rita, Zedd and Goldar like their original Voices!
#4: Zyuranger and MMPR Story
I am a little confused how this will be handled. Will there be new/original Villains or will this movie continue to focus on Rita Repulsa? Or will Lord Zedd be the main villain? Will this story continue to follow the Mighty Morphin Season 1 Story we’ve all come to know or will it be an original story all together?
Personally, I welcome a new story with original story aspects sprinkled in for Nostalgia sake.
#5: When Will it Be Released?
Many fans speculate the movie could correspond with the 25th Anniversary Celebration, but personally, this date seems so far away to me.
#6: Toys! Toys! Toys!
The Movie is here to make money and when a Feature Film is released it opens the door for massive toy sales.
Hopefully with a summer release the movie will serve as a good substitute for the Television Series when it goes into hiatus.
I severely hope we see some amazing toys for this movie, not only in retail stores but something similar to the original Movie’s toys at McDonalds! Those are still some of my most prized possessions to this day!
#7: Megazord Battles
Believe it or not, in 1995, this was the height of technology at the time. While today the Ninja Megazord looks wonky and just in terrible CGI, I am really hoping that the CGI in the newer movie will be a little more streamlined and believable (As much as a giant Robot fighting a Giant Monster can be). I am confident with today’s tech that this is totally doable. Many movies are already doing this!
#8: Writers and Directors
One thing we have drawn from Power Rangers as a series is that Storytelling and Direction are two of the most important things for a successful season.
This is intricate to the success of this movie, not only to impress the Die-Hard fans but also to draw in new viewers who will want to see what the newer teams of Rangers are up to!
#9: The Suits
As a kid in 1995, I was 10 at the time, I was obsessed with the new suits used for the movie. When the suits did not appear in the show I remember being really disappointed. However, today I am happy that these were only kept in the Movie’s continuity and not in the show. I believe the Reboot Movie should go by this same practice. I was very impressed with the new suits back then and I hope some of the designs for the new suits will wow me as well!
They could do so many things with just a little IMAGINATION!
A Few Things to Think About if You Are Against the Reboot:
I have accepted this idea that Mighty Morphin’ is a cash-cow. Nostalgia people, behold it’s power!
But think of it this way, a Mainstream movie can only help the franchise if done correctly.
This franchise, as it continues to grow and flourish, needs to be introduced to a newer generation and what better way to do it than through a feature film that re-tells the story of how it all began; 5 Teenagers with Attitude.
Ultimately, with new fans coming as the movie opens this can only be good for the show and perhaps keep it on the air longer!
The Most Important advice I can give you is to be open-minded but never lose your critical eye!
This actually could end up being an amazing movie for our Fandom!
What are some of your hopes and dreams for this Movie?