Thanks to the PowerScoop and Xenotome of RangerBoard for the info!
Today, thanks to the Power Scoop and Xenotome of RangerBoard we got a confirmation for two villains in Super Megaforce!
“Damaras” is to be voiced by John Leigh who has played many previous roles in Power Rangers such as Brownbeard from Operation Overdrive, The Fisherman in Samurai and Dr Belrab from Ninja Storm!
“Princess Levira” was also revealed, but it is yet to be confirmed if this name will tie into the Insarn character of Gokaiger or be an original character.
This role is set to be played by Rebecca Parr in 19 episodes.
As previously state we are still unsure if this is the Insarn character or an original character, but the length of the character’s life on the show and the title seem to fit! Personally, it makes more sense that it is Insarn’s Power Rangers counterpart, but it is still yet confirmed.
What do you think?