After celebrating the show’s 20th anniversary yesterday, word got around that Jason David Frank (A.K.A. Tommy) was trying to convince Saban himself to make a PG-13 Green Ranger “Origins” movie. In a recent interview with Complex, JDF states that he’s been trying to convince Saban to produce a movie with a slightly darker take on the franchise, and more importantly, on the character of Tommy, saying “it’s only a matter of time.”

Although Tommy was rockin’ spandex in different colors, the one he’s mostly recognized by is the Green Ranger. Once this news leaked, other people were hoping that (if they were to actually make this) the White Ranger would also be involved in the project. Check out the full article on IGN for more info.
My thoughts:
Personally, I think that this is where we as fans draw a line. I know a lot of people are already interested and are like “Shut up and take my money!” But, seriously, we’ve had enough of Tommy. I know it’s the anniversary, and he’s probably the most popular Ranger and all, but what’s the point in this? Tommy’s returning in Super Megaforce, so why would we need a movie? Unless of course, the movie is it’s own story. However, I would be more interested in a MMPR reboot (which still, shouldn’t happen) before we ever got a Tommy-focused movie. If anything, we should get a movie on our new team of MEGA Rangers!
What are your thoughts on this? Would you be interested in a Green Ranger movie?