New info was just released regarding the upcoming Power Rangers Megaforce McDonald’s toys!
(All images below are from the Megaforce FB fan-page.)

Evidently McDonald’s has begun displaying the new line of Power Rangers toys, which means we’re about a week away from them being distributed in Happy Meals nation-wide! As we already knew, each of the Ranger’s respective Mechazords comes with an ACG card! (Strangely, the Tiger and Phoenix Mechazords don’t come with a Yellow or Pink Ranger card.)

Additionally, all 6 of the Mechazords (yes, including the Lion Mechazord) can transform into the Gosei Great Megazord! Obviously it isn’t 100% screen-accurate, since Lion Mechazord is now the waist of the Megazord, but it’s still cool to see that they can all combine together, even if it’s just for the toys. It kinda reminds me of the Lightspeed McDonald toys way back when.
These can be showing-up anytime now, so keep your eyes open!