As you all know, the 20th anniversary of Power Rangers is coming up on August 28th. To celebrate this morphenomenal milestone, fans that run PR-related blogs and sites have been hosting creative dedications of work and fun!

You might have seen these already, but Morphin’ Legacy has been doing Legacy Comics for every season! Check out the first one below, then head on over to the Facebook page to see the rest! A new comic is posted daily, so don’t miss out!
Jacob B. (A.K.A., Database Ranger) has been making Retro-Power Run-Throughs. A new episode is up every day, where he runs through seasons and has witty single-sentences for every episode. Below is the first episode about MMPR Season 1! You can check out all of the others on his YouTube Channel, and don’t miss a single one because you’ll regret it!
Next up is an epic cinematic-like trailer for Power Rangers Megaforce and Super Megaforce! This fan-made trailer was made by tree56uk on YouTube, who also uploads unreleased background music from the Samurai and Megaforce seasons. Check out this SUPER MEGA piece of work below!
This next piece is a fan-made 20th anniversary poster with all 20 Red Rangers! This epic art was made by egallardo26 from Tumblr, who makes a lot of really amazing fan-art, such as banners and more! Check out the poster below, and be sure to check out his other stuff here!

Another fan took it upon themselves to make fan-made 20th anniversary trading cards, based on the original MMPR trading card game. So far, there are cards for Rita Repulsa and her minions! These awesome cards were made by zordonfanclub from Tumblr. You can see the two versions of the Rita card below, and check out the rest on his blog! (In addition to that, they also made small tribute pictures to other seasons, which can also be seen on the blog.)

My very own Power Rangers blog is celebrating the 20th anniversary by hosting a marathon, with an episode from each season. A new episode is posted every day, leading up to the anniversary on the 28th. You can see the complete episode line-up here, and check back on the blog for links to watch along!
Lastly, a lot of bloggers/tweeters have been taking part in the Power Rangers 30-Day Challenge. Click here to see the list and join-in for yourself! To see other people’s answers, visit the Power Rangers tag on Tumblr. Some people have even taken it upon themselves to change their icons daily to a different season, leading up to Megaforce on the 28th.
Will Saban or Nick celebrate this incredible milestone in some shape or form? Maybe a contest, or perhaps a marathon? It’s too soon to tell, but with only days left before the anniversary, it might be too late to ask for something. At the very least, they should air “Day of the Dumpster” on NickToons. We’ll see.
Thanks for reading! If your blog/site (or if you know one) that is also celebrating the anniversary, let us know in the comments section! And don’t forget to follow all of these awesome people mentioned in the article!
How are YOU celebrating the anniversary? Are you gonna join-in with any of these morphenomenal activities?