Hello there, and welcome to my second article, where I will be reviewing the first set of the Megaforce “Chibi” figures, as well as the 2010 MMPR set.
The first Megaforce set, which consists of the 6 Megaforce Rangers, can be purchased at multiple retailers for approximately $20. I don’t remember how much the MMPR set was because I bought it 3 years ago, but I’m sure it was about the same. Obviously, they don’t sell the set anymore, but they can now be found in the new Megaforce Series 1 & 2 packs. Series 1 packs features MMPR Red, Pink, Black, and Lord Zedd, and Series 2 features MMPR Green, Blue, Yellow, and Alpha 5. (An upcoming Series will feature MMPR White! I’ll circle-back to that later.) Each individual pack from either series features a random figure & an ACG card based on the figure. The set of all 6 Mega Rangers only comes with 1 card. 1 pack costs around $4, but if you’re a card collector, it should be worth it.
Anyways, let’s get on with the review. I’ll start with the Megaforce Rangers (Note that I do not have any of the figures from Series 1 or 2, just the sets).
The 6 Rangers are posed with their Power Weapons, while Lord Zedd sports his staff, and Alpha 5 is just kinda…pointing to the sky? Oh, well. I like these figures a lot more than the Megaforce ones. I personally did not open the Megaforce set, because I knew I was going to be disappointed, but I’ll get to that next. The MMPR figures have some articulation, though limited. You can only move one arm on most of them, so they’re not too pose-able, even though they’re already in different positions. The colors used look good, although the Rangers’ suits are missing some minor details. The diamond-shapes on the cuffs of their wrists and ankles were left blank, instead of being filled-in with said-Ranger color. The Power Weapons themselves could’ve used more detail and color, instead of being just silver. The detail on the Alpha figure is pleasing, although his “pose” is a little baffling. I would’ve preferred his hands to be at his sides over whatever Bandai was trying to accomplish there. The Lord Zedd figure is nice, and I feel like there’s something missing, but detail-wise, it looks fine…though it kinda looks like he’s wearing a diaper. And before I move on, look at the Green Ranger’s helmet. See? NO SILVER STRIPE!!!
Here’s where I’m gonna rant. The original packaging shows a Putty Patroller and Rita Repulsa in the packaging…but they’re just STICKERS! Man, I would’ve loved to see those mini-figures. Not to mention, I don’t recall Lord Zedd even being in any of the reversion episodes. Which just furthers the question: why would they actually make a Lord Zedd mini-figure, but skip Rita? The same way they made a 4″ Lord Zedd figure and then released Rita a year later in Samurai packaging? And as I hinted at before, we’re getting a MMPR White mini-figure, and also a MMPR Super Red mini-figure (with the Green Ranger’s shield), so there’s slight hope we might get it, although I highly doubt it.
Now, let’s move on to the Megaforce set.
I, again, personally did not open it because, after reading RangerCrew’s review, I lost the need to. These figures, as nice as they may look, have literally no articulation whatsoever; the pose they’re in is what you get. I will say this: the details, such as the Gosei symbol and the “elements” emblems on their torsos, look very nice. The gold goes very well with the colors used for the suits. You can see pictures of the individual figures on Megaforce Cast. The packaging is consistent with other toys and products available from Bandai (same colors, fonts, logos, backgrounds, etc.). The top of the plastic encasing has the generic “Power Rangers” logo engraved in it. The back advertises the Red and Blue Tokyo Vinyl figures, and has a small description of the show, available in 3 different languages. How thoughtful.
The set also comes with this single ACG promo card:

If you buy the individual packs, however, each figure comes with it’s own card. Series 1 also includes translucent Red and Robo Ranger figures. Series 2 also includes Gosei Great and Gosei Grand Megazord figures. I most look forward to the Vrak mini-figure, mainly because I feel like I’ll never own the 4″ figure. A Loogie mini-figure would also be very cool, like how they had a Mooger mini-figure.
Final Thoughts:
While these figures have their flaws (mostly articulation), they look great in any collection or display. I have my MMPR mini-figures displayed on a shelf in front of the 2010 Dino Megazord. There are some mini-figures I really hope to see one day, but until then, at least we have any at all. What really gets me going is how they used Rita and Putty stickers in the MMPR packaging! It’s like they’re teasing us that, “Yeah, we could make them, but here’s some nice stickers instead.” The MMPR figures could use a bit of touching-up on details, and some of the poses look sort of ridiculous.
Packaging: 7.5/10
Detail: 8/10
Personal Score: 8/10
Will you be adding these figures to your collection anytime soon? Leave your answer in the comments section below!
Thanks for reading my review! I can also be found on Twitter and Tumblr.