Evil Rangers Legacy

Evil Rangers

Billy Cranston & Kimberly Hart (Power Punks)
Played By: David Yost & Amy Jo Johnson
Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 1
“Power Ranger Punks”

Billy Cranston & Kimberly Hart are transformed into punks after drinking some of Baboo’s Punk Potion. They cause some mischief at Angel Grove High School until they are teleported into a forcefield and cured after Alpha 5 obtains a Singing Squash for an antidote.


Tommy Oliver (Evil Green Ranger)
Played By: Jason David Frank
Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 1
“Green With Evil: Part 1” to “Green With Evil: Part 5”
Tommy Oliver is a new student at Angel Grove High School that Rita Repulsa recruits to become her Evil Green Ranger after seeing him fight Jason Lee Scott in a Martial Arts Tournament. He is able to outmatch the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers for a while and is given the Sword Of Darkness in order to keep him under Rita Repulsa’s dark influence. That is until the Sword Of Darkness is destroyed by the Red Ranger, freeing him from her spell and turning him to the side of good.

Evil Duplicate Rangers
Played By: Austin St. John, Walter Jones, David Yost, Thuy Trang & Amy Jo Johnson
Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 1
“A Bad Reflection On You”
The Evil Duplicate Rangers consists of four Putty Patrollers and the monster, Twin Man that attempt to ruin their reputations as their civilian identities around Angel Grove High School and as the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers around the rest of Angel Grove. The Evil Duplicate Rangers are taken down by their real counterparts after they escape detention.

Billy Cranston (Mind Controlled)
Played By: David Yost
Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 1
“Return Of An Old Friend: Part 1”
Billy Cranston is hypnotized by the monster, Dramole in order to get the Dragon Dagger for Goldar.

Mutant Rangers
Voiced By: Walter Jones, David Yost, Thuy Trang, Jason David Frank & Amy Jo Johnson
Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 1
“Mighty Morphin’ Mutants”
The Mutant Rangers are five Putty Patrollers that are given the Badges Of Darkness to transform into evil copies of the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers. They were led by the monster, Commander Crayfish and gave the real Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers a hard time until Zordon powered-up their Power Weapons. The Yellow Mutant Ranger & Pink Mutant Ranger are destroyed by the Power Blaster while the Black Mutant Ranger, Blue Mutant Ranger & Green Mutant Ranger were destroyed by the Dino Ultrazord.

Voiced By: Paul Schrier
Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 2
“The Wanna Be Ranger”
Primator is a an ape-like monster created by Lord Zedd from an ape costume owned by Zack Taylor, the Black Ranger that has ability to shape shift into any of the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers civilian or hero identities. He uses this power to confuse the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers until they’re able to find out his weakness of seeing his own reflection. He would then be grown giant by Lord Zedd but is destroyed by the combined efforts of the Thunder Megazord & Dragonzord. Primator is later recreated by Doomstone to battle Tommy Oliver in Lord Zedd’s Dark Dimension on Halloween.

Tommy Oliver (Mind Controlled)
Played By: Jason David Frank
Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 2
“The Green Dream”
Tommy Oliver is put under a mind control spell by Goldar and is ordered to teleport to the Command Center and convince the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers summon the Sword Of Power. He then steals it and deliver it to Goldar before being free from this spell.

Dark Rangers
(Justin, Zane, Bobby, Tina & Kristen)
Played By: Patrick Wolff, Ogie Banks, Aaron Atinsky, Jhoanna Trias & Gwen Sanford
Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 2
“Green No More: Part 1 & 2”
The Dark Rangers were a group of five teenagers and new bullies causing trouble around Angel Grove High School. Lord Zedd recruits these five to become his Dark Rangers, evil counterparts of the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers that are powered up by the remaining energy of the Green Power Coin. After Tommy Oliver regains this power, the Dark Rangers breaks free of their spell and turn over a new leaf.

Z Putties (Kid Power Rangers)
Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 2
“Zedd’s Monster Mash”
The Kid Power Rangers are a group of Z Putties disguised as pint-sized versions of the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers to lure Tommy Oliver out of the Youth Center on Halloween so that Goldar could trap him in Lord Zedd’s Dark Dimension.

Tom Oliver
Played By: Jason David Frank
Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 2
“Return Of The Green Ranger: Part 1” to “Return Of The Green Ranger: Part 3”
Tom Oliver is an evil clone of Tommy Oliver created by the Wizard Of Deception that is given the powers of the Green Ranger. He tricks the other Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers into a trap, where they are sent to Colonial Times by the Wizard Of Deception. He then fights the White Ranger one-on-one and summons the Dragonzord to fight the White Tigerzord. Tommy Oliver is eventually able to persuade him to join the side of good and travels back to Colonial Times to assist the White Ranger in fighting the Rat Monsters. After the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers are about to return to the present, Tom Oliver decides to stay in the past due to two versions of Tommy Oliver not being able to live at the same time.

Billy Cranston (Evil Clone)
Played By: David Yost
Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 2
“Blue Ranger Gone Bad”
The evil clone of Billy Cranston is created by Rita Repulsa from a tiny sculpture created by an Angel Grove High School Student named Violet. Unlike the real Billy Cranston, this evil clone is rude and has a desire to pump iron at the Angel Grove Youth Center. He takes the place of the real Billy Cranston after he is captured by Goldar and tricks the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers into giving him their Wrist Communicators & Power Morphers in order to cut them off from Zordon. He is found out after the real Billy Cranston escapes, with the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers being confused as to who the really Billy Cranston is after they simultaneously morph in the Blue Ranger. Kimberly Hart then stump the evil Billy Cranston with a question and the team destroys him with a combined blast from the Blade Blasters.

White Ranger (Evil)
Season: Power Rangers Zeo
“King For A Day: Part 1”
Tommy Oliver dreams about the White Ranger suit in the Power Chamber coming alive and attacking him with an army of Cogs.

Red Zeo Ranger (Brainwashed)
Voiced By: Jason David Frank
Season: Power Rangers Zeo
“King For A Day: Part 1 & 2”

The Red Zeo Ranger is brainwashed by Prince Gasket into thinking that he was the King of The Machine Empire and that the Zeo Rangers are his sworn enemies. He fights the Gold Zeo Ranger in the Machine Arena after he destroys Altor, nearly defeating him until the other Zeo Rangers are teleported there and remind him of his true identity.

Shadow Rangers (Turbo)
Voiced By: Johnny Yong Bosch, Blake Foster, Nakia Burrise & Catherine Sutherland
Season: Power Rangers Turbo
“Shadow Rangers”
The Shadow Rangers are evil counterparts of the Turbo Rangers created by the Shadow Chromite and are made of pure light. They successfully capture their real counterparts and held them prisoner in a cave. After Tommy Oliver is able to figure out the Shadow Rangers are weak to the absence of light, they are all destroyed after their source of light is taken away from them.

Crash & The Creeps
Voiced By: Kirk Thornton
Season: Power Rangers Turbo
“Song Of Confusion”
Crash & The Creeps are a group of five monsters that disguise themselves as a boy band and fight their respective colored Turbo Ranger in one-on-one battles. The Creeps are all destroyed by a blast from the Turbo RAM Cannon while Crash is destroyed by the Turbo Megazord.

Carlos Vallerte (Vampire)
Played By: Roger Velasco
Season: Power Rangers Turbo
“Carlos And The Count”

Carlos Vallerte, the Green Turbo Ranger is transformed into a vampire by Count Nocturn that desired human blood and has the ability to turn into a bat. He receives a temporary antidote before being completely cured after Count Nocturn is destroyed by the Turbo Rescue Megazord.

Astronema (Ashley Hammond)
Played By: Tracy Lynn Cruz
Season: Power Rangers In Space
“Invasion Of The Body Switcher”

Astronema is transformed into an exact duplicate of Ashley Hammond, the Yellow Space Ranger by the monster, Body Switcher so that she can board the Astro Megaship and incapacitate four of the Space Rangers. She then teleports to Earth and use the powers of the Yellow Space Ranger in an attempt to destroy the Red Space Ranger. That is until the real Ashley Hammond, in the form of Astronema is able to de-morph her, returning her to her true form. 

Psycho Rangers
Voiced By: Patrick David, Michael Maize, Wally Wingert, Kamera WaltonVicki Davis
Seasons: Power Rangers In Space & Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
“Rangers Gone Psycho” to “Power Of Pink”
The Psycho Rangers are evil counterparts of the Space Rangers created by Astronema after she is brainwashed by Darkonda. They are able to overpower the Space Rangers in their first couple of fights, being unbeatable when working together and are only able to be destroyed when the Space Rangers destroy him one at a time. They are eventually able to destroy all of them but their spirits linger between worlds until they receive their corporeal forms after going through a machine that Astronema was using to turn humans into Data Card. They attempt to destroy their good counterparts and turn into their monster forms until the Space Rangers lure them into a circle to turn them into Data Card. The Data Cards are apparently lost but are somehow obtained by Astronema, which eventually find their way to Deviot a year later, who uses them to capture the Galaxy Rangers, successfully capturing four of them. That is until the Galaxy Rangers team up with the Space Rangers to destroy four of the Psycho Rangers, with Psycho Pink surviving until she is eventually destroyed by the combined efforts of the Astro Megazord & Galaxy Megazord.

Cyborg Rangers
(Red Cyborg Ranger, Biue Cyborg Ranger, Green Cyborg Ranger, Yellow Cyborg Ranger & Pink Cyborg Ranger)
Season: Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue
“Cyborg Rangers”
The Cyborg Rangers are robotic soldiers created by Doctor Harlen that are based on the Lightspeed Rangers. General McKnight attempts to replace the Lightspeed Rangers with the Cyborg Rangers until they are turned evil after being blasted by one of Strikning’s Lightning Spikes, forcing the Lightspeed Rangers to destroy their cyborg counterparts.

Ryan Mitchell (Titanium Ranger)
Played By: Rhett Fisher
Season: Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue
“From Deep In The Shadows” to “Truth Discovered”
Ryan Mitchell is the son of Captain Mitchell that is raised by Diabolico after he saves him from a car crash during his childhood and poisons his mind into thinking Captain Mitchell intentionally let him fall off the cliff and only cared about his daughter, Dana Mitchell. When Ryan Mitchell turns twenty, he sneaks into the Aquabase to steal the Titanium Morpher and uses it to morph into the Titanium Ranger to fight and destroy the Lightspeed Rangers, overpowering them until they receive their V-Lancers. His identity is then revealed to Captain Mitchell, who tells the Lightspeed Rangers to stand down until he returns to Mariner Bay to fight the Pink Lightspeed Ranger, retreating from the battle after she almost gets through to him. He then comes into contact with Captain Mitchell, who tells him the true events of that night, falling off the same cliff, with Ryan Mitchell having a change of heart after Captain Mitchell attempts to sacrifice his life by letting go of a weakening branch.

Prince Olympius
Played By: Mike Chat, Sasha Williams, Alison MacInnis & Keith Robinson
Season: Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue
“Olympius Ascends”
Prince Olympius uses his Star Power to capture four of the Lightspeed Ranger and takes their forms in order to infiltrate the Aquabase to open the gates to the secret entrance so his cohorts could invade the Aquabase.

Evil Duplicate Time Force Rangers
Season: Power Rangers Time Force
“Trust And Triumph”
The Time Force Rangers are duplicated by the mutant criminal, Turtlecon to fight their real counterparts in his pocket dimension. They are all destroyed when Turtlecon’s pocket dimension is destroyed by a synchronized blast from the Red Time Force Ranger & Pink Time Force Ranger.

Love Stricken Time Force Rangers
Played By: Jason Faunt, Michael Copon & Kevin Kleinberg
Season: Power Rangers Time Force
“Lovestruck Rangers”
The male Time Force Rangers were put under a love spell by the mutant criminal, Contemptra to destroy each other but are eventually freed from this spell after the Pink Time Force Ranger & Yellow Time Force Ranger destroys her Magic Bracelet.

Jen Scotts (Brainwashed)
Played By: Erin Cahill
Season: Power Rangers Time Force
“Time Force Traitor”
Jen Scotts, the Pink Time Force Ranger is brainwashed by her former partner, Steelix and fights the Red Time Force Ranger until she eventually breaks free from her brainwashing thanks to the Red Time Force Ranger.

Miracon (Blue Time Force Ranger)
Season: Power Rangers Time Force
“Reflections Of Evil”
Miracon disguises himself as the Blue Time Force Ranger in order to lure the real Blue Time Force Ranger and the rest of the Time Force Rangers into his Mirror World.

Shadow Rangers (Wild Force)
Season: Power Rangers Wild Force
“The Master’s Herald: Part 2”
The Shadow Rangers are evil clones of the Wild Force Rangers created by Onikage from the shadows of the Wild Force Rangers. They are formidable in battle due to whatever hits them hits their real life counterpart. They are only destroyed after Onikage is destroyed after his shadow clone is destroyed by a blast from the Red Wild Force Ranger’s Lion Blaster.

Tori Hanson (Clone)
Played By: Sally Martin
Season: Power Rangers Ninja Storm
“Beauty And The Beach”
Clone Tori is an evil clone of Tori Hanson, the Blue Wind Ranger that is created by Marah & Kapri from Copybot’s cloning abilities and is used to break into Ninja-Ops. Unlike the real Tori Hanson, Clone Tori is impatient, threatening a construction workers life if he didn’t let her drive through a construction site. Her true identity is found out after the real Tori Hanson escapes from the camera she is trapped in and later fights her real counterpart. She is almost able to defeat the real Tori Hanson until she is blasted with water, melting her in the process.

Evil Thunder Rangers
Played By: Adam Tuominen & Jorgito Vargas Jr
Season: Power Rangers Ninja Storm
“There’s No “I” In Team” to “Return Of Thunder: Part 3”
The Thunder Rangers were allied with Lothor when they thought the Sensei of the Wind Ninja Academy, Kanoi Watanabe killed their adoptive parents. After learning that Lothor killed their parents, they stop working for Lothor until they are brainwashed by Choobo to forgot this fact, joining the Wind Rangers after they are freed from their brainwashing.

Evil Wind Rangers, Evil Thunder Rangers & Evil Green Samurai Ranger 
Played By: Pua Magasiva, Glenn McMillan, Adam Tuominen, Jorgito Vargas Jr & Jason Chan
Season: Power Rangers Ninja Storm
“The Wild Wipeout”
The Evil Wind Rangers, Evil Thunder Rangers & Evil Green Ranger are the evil counterparts of the real ones in Goldwinger’s Goldust Dimension. They wreck havoc in Blue Bay Harbor until Mayor Lothor forms a small army, defeating and arresting them.

Trent Mercer (Evil White Dino Ranger)
Played By: Jeffrey Parazzo
Season: Power Rangers Dino Thunder
“White Thunder: Part 1” to “Copy That”
Trent Mercer is the adopted son of Anton Mercer that finds his way to Mesogog’s Island Fortress after going through an Invisiportal and bonds with the White Dino Gem to become the White Dino Ranger. However, due to his evil encoding, the White Dino Gem takes control of his body while morphed and desires to fight any powerful enemy. He is able to defeat all the Dino Rangers in battle and steals some of their energy to feed to his Dragozord and steals their Stegozord to use to combine with his Dragozord to form the Dino Stegazord. The White Dino Gem eventually completely takes over Trent Mercer, even while unmorphed and teams up with Mesogog temporarily to get a Dino ATV and to convert the Cephalozord & Dimetrozord to his side. He eventually joins Mesogog’s Army after Mesogog threatens to destroy him and learning that he is the alternate personality of his father, Anton Mercer. He develops a rivalry with Zeltrax while in Mesogog’s Crew, defeating him in battle to become second-in-command until Zeltrax frames him for treason, with Mesogog attempting to drain his White Dino Gem but ends up destroying the evil encoding on the White Dino Gem, freeing him of its dark influence.

White Dino Ranger Clone
Voiced By: Adam Gardiner
Season: Power Rangers Dino Thunder
“Copy That” to “Strange Relations”
The Evil White Ranger Clone is created by Zeltrax from Copyotter’s weapon and is a soulless warrior containing no trace of Trent Mercer inside of him. The Evil White Ranger Clone is in complete control of the Dino Stegazord and usually accompanies Mesogog’s Mutations into battle. He also has the ability to create monsters known as the White Terrorsaurus. After a while, the Evil White Ranger Clone learns that two beings cannot exist while using the same Dino Gem power and challenges Trent Mercer to a fight to the death to decide which one of them is the true White Dino Ranger, losing this fight and being destroyed by Trent Mercer.

Kira Ford (Hypnotized)
Played By: Emma Lahana
Season: Power Rangers Dino Thunder
“The Missing Bone”
Kira Ford is hypnotized by Fossilador, using her to obtain his main support bones that was in the possession of Tommy Oliver.

Evil Wind Rangers
Played By: Pua Magasiva, Sally Martin & Glenn McMillan
Season: Power Rangers Dino Thunder
“Thunder Storm: Part 1 & 2”
The Wind Rangers are tricked by Lothor into accepting corrupted Wind Morphers to turn them evil. They are used to assist Lothor in capturing the Wind Ninja Academy Students and are later sent with Izzy, Pupperazi and an army of Kelzaks to fight the Dino Ranger in Reefside, defeating them in their first battle. They later challenge the Dino Rangers to a rematch, fighting them unmorphed one-on-one and nearly defeats them again until they are tricked in accepting purified Power Disc, breaking their evil influence.

Wootox (Sky Tate)
Played By: Chris Violette
Season: Power Rangers SPD
Wootox is a destructive intergalactic criminal that is responsible for the destruction of more than fifty planets. He is first seen attacking Newtech City with a Giant Robot and attempts to flee after fighting the Delta Squad Megazord but is stopped when his Giant Robot is destroyed by the Delta Command Megazord. He then plots to steal it, getting captured by the SPD Rangers and later switching bodies with the Blue SPD Ranger to make it easier to find the cockpit. He is eventually found out by Kat Manx when he attacks her and fights the Shadow Ranger when he tries to stop him. After fighting the Shadow Ranger, he is able to find the cockpit and nearly uses the Delta Command Megazord to destroy Newtech City but is stopped after the Blue SPD Ranger in his old body ejects him from the cockpit. He fights his old body and attempts to trick the SPD Rangers that they swapped back, but RIC is able to determine which one is which, forcing Wootox back to his old body and is blasted by the Canine Cannon before the Blue SPD Ranger traps him in a Containment Card.

Syd Drew (Hypnotized)
Played By: Alycia Purrott
Season: Power Rangers SPD
Syd Drew is hypnotized by Mysticon to serve him as his lovely assistant when he attempts to capture Doctor Helen Tyler Jones for Emperor Gruumm. She is then ordered to fight her teammates as he attempts to flee but is freed from her hypnosis after she is tricked into morphing by the Green SPD Ranger.

A-Squad Rangers
Played By: Gina VarelaNick KemplenD.J. SenaCorin Nemi & Motoko Nagino
Season: Power Rangers SPD
“Resurrection” & “Endings: Part 1”
The A-Squad Rangers are the highest ranking team of Power Rangers at SPD’s Earth Branch. They are sent to the Helix Nebula to defend them from an attack from the Troobian Empire and are later classified as MIA until they are found on a crashed ship on Gamma Orion. They are then revealed to have switches sides, deciding to join the Troobian Empire, figuring they were the winning team and captures Commander Cruger for Emperor Gruumm. They later challenge the B-Squad Rangers to a fight, outmatching their colored counterpart until they are outmatched by them until they summon their A-Squad Megazord. The A-Squad Megazord is eventually destroyed by the SWAT Megazord, being trapped in a Confinement Card by the B-Squad.

Vida Rocca (Vampire)
Played By: Angie Diaz
Season: Power Rangers Mystic Force
“Stranger Within: Part 1 & 2”

Vida Rocca is turned into a vampire by Necrolai and is used by her to fight her teammates until the Yellow Mystic Ranger is able to break her from this evil influence after he destroys Necrolai with the Dawn Crystal.

Evil Mystic Rangers
Voiced By: Firass Dirani, Richard Brancatisano, Nic Sampson, Melanie Vallejo & Angie Diaz
Season: Power Rangers Mystic Force
“Light Source: Part 1”
The Evil Mystic Rangers are evil clones of the Mystic Rangers created by Hekatoid to destroy the Mystic Rangers and to prevent them from saving Udonna. They are able to keep up with their good counterparts, turning three of them into fuzzy dice until the Yellow Mystic Ranger destroys three of them with his Mystic Lion Staff in Crossbow Mode.

Octomus (Nick Russell)
Played By: Firass Dirani
Season: Power Rangers Mystic Force
“Mystic Fate: Part 1”
Nick Russell is possessed by Octomus to attack a village in the Magical Dimension and later assumes the armor of Koragg The Knight Wolf to fight Leanbow.

Evil Overdrive Rangers Clone
Season: Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
“Red Ranger Unplugged”
The Evil Overdrive Ranger Clones are evil clones of the real Overdrive Rangers created by Crazar to fight their good counterparts while she fought the Mercury Ranger. They all disappear after Crazar retreats from battle after being blasted by the Mercury Ranger’s Drive Detector.

Lily Chilman (Bad)
Played By: Anna Hutchison
Season: Power Rangers Jungle Fury
“Bad To The Bone”
Lily Chilman’s personality to converted by one of Porcupongo’s spikes, making her a bad girl.

Robert “RJ” James (Wolf Form)
Season: Power Rangers Jungle Fury
“Bad To The Bone” to “True Friends. True Spirits”
RJ uncontrollably transforms into this wolf-like form after his Animal Spirit is corrupted after a battle with Jarrod.

Spirit Rangers (Evil Avatars)
Voiced By: Bruce Allpress, Oliver Driver & Paul Gittens
Season: Power Rangers Jungle Fury
“Fear And The Phantoms” to “One Last Second Chance”
The Spirit Rangers are three Power Rangers created by the Phantom Beast Generals from the Animal Spirits of Master Phant, Master Swoop, & Master Finn in conjunction with Rinzin and a Crystal Eye. They are originally used for evil until their respective Pai Zhuq Master is rescued by RJ.

Dillon (Virus Infected)
Played By: Dan Ewing
Season: Power Rangers RPM
“Brother’s Keeper”
Dillon is corrupted by the Venjix Virus after Tenaya 7 places a device on the back of his neck.
He is then used to lower Corinth’s City Shields but is eventually cured when Doctor K types in the original programming code for the Venjix Virus.


Scott Truman (Body Controlled)
Played By: Eka Darville
Season: Power Rangers RPM
Scott Truman is controlled by General Shifter after he implant a control key during their one-on-one battle.
He is later used by General Shifter to fight the other Ranger Series Operator but is cured after the control key is ejected from his body.

Kevin (Mind Controlled)
Voiced By: Najee De-Tiege
Season: Power Rangers Samurai
“I’ve Got A Spell On Blue”
Kevin is put under a mind control spell by the Nighlok, Madimot and is used to fight the Red Samurai Ranger.
He is cured however after the Red Samurai Ranger strikes him with a special Power Disc.

Switchbeast (Green Samurai Ranger)
Voiced By: Dean Young
Season: Power Rangers Super Samurai
“Trading Places”
Switchbeast is a cat-like Nighlok sent by Serrator to destroy the Samurai Rangers for Master Xandred. He accomplishes this by using his body switching abilities to switch the bodies of four of the Samurai Rangers and civilians in Panorama City with objects. He nearly destroys the gnome containing the soul of the Red Samurai Ranger but is forced to retreated to the Netherworld when he starts to dry out. He later returns to cause more misery in Panorama City until he is stopped by the Green Samurai Ranger & Yellow Samurai Ranger, with the two tricking him into switching bodies with the Green Samurai Ranger in order to figure out how to return everyone back to their bodies. After accomplishing this and returning to his original body, he is destroyed by a Super Force Vortex from the Green Samurai Ranger in Super Samurai Mode. He then grows giant after assuming his Mega Monster form but is destroyed by the Claw Armor Megazord.

Dark Robo Knight
Voiced By: Chris Auer
Season: Power Rangers Super Megaforce
“Vrak Is Back: Part 1 & 2”
Dark Robo Knight is a corrupted version of Robo Knight that Vrak turns evil after having him chained in his Underwater Lab since his disappearance. Dark Robo Knight would assist Vrak in destroying the Earth with his three drills but is turned good again by a golden powered up punch from the Red Megaforce Ranger.

Chase Randall (Mind Controlled)
Played By: James Davies
Season: Power Rangers Dino Charge
“Breaking Black”
Chase Randall is put under a mind control by Spellbinder after he steals a pendant from Moana’s Shop.
He is used to fight his teammates but is cured after he is able to break free long enough to blast his pendant with his Dino Charge Ranger.

Koda (Mind Controlled)
Played By: Yoshi Sudarso
Season: Power Rangers Dino Charge
“Let Sleeping Zords Lie”
Koda is put under a mind control spell after being infected by a stinger from the monster, Stingrage.
He fights his teammates until he is cured after the stinger on his body is pulled out.

Clone Dino Charge Rangers
Season: Power Rangers Dino Charge
“Double Ranger, Double Danger”

The Clone Dino Charge Rangers are Vivix that are turned into clones of the Dino Charge Rangers by the monster, Duplicon and are first used to obtain the E-Tracer for Poisandra. They are later used to confuse the Dino Charge Rangers in battle but are destroyed by the Black Dino Charge Ranger after he is able to identify the real Dino Charge Rangers after he places a flower in their belts.

Memorella (Koda)
Played By: Yoshi Sudarso
Season: Power Rangers Dino Charge
“The Ghostest With The Mostest”
Memorella is a female vampire-like alien with the ability to read someone’s mind of their memories. She is released after showing this power to Sledge and is transformed into an exact duplicate of Koda in order to sneak into the Dino Charge Ranger’s Base and steal the Energems. She is nearly successful in obtaining the Blue Energem after she passes a lie detector test set by Kendall Morgan until the real Koda escapes his captivity, exposing her true identity. She then escape and fights the Dino Charge Rangers with an army of Vivix, with the Vivix falling in love with her after the Pink Dino Charge Ranger exposes them to a blast from the Dino Cupid Charger. She is then defeated in battle by a Ptera Saber Lightning Final Strike Attack. She grows giant after being blasted with the Magna Beam, fighting the Ptera Charge Megazord before being destroyed by the Ptera Charge Megazord Pachy Formation.

Red Dino Charge Ranger (Brainwashed)
Season: Power Rangers Dino Super Charge
“Roar Of The Red Ranger”
Tyler Navarro’s mind is corrupted after using a T-Rex Super Charger that is infected with a virus planted by Ninja, making him think he is a Tyrannosaurus Rex. He walks around the woods until the Black Dino Charge Ranger attempts to put him to sleep with the Dino Hypnotize Charger. He fails at this and is nearly destroy by him until the Aqua Dino Charge Ranger arrives to the fight, revealing him to be his father, James Navarro, shocking Tyler Navarro mind and freeing him from his mind corruption.

Doomwing (Silver Dino Charge Ranger)
Voiced By: Mark Wright
Season: Power Rangers Dino Super Charge
“Gone Fishin” to “Silver Secret”
Doomwing is a dark bird-like alien and a member of Lord Arcanon’s Crew that is created after Zenowing is exposed to the Dark Energem. Using the Silver Energem, he tricks the Dino Charge Rangers into giving him information on their Dino Chargers and uses them to control their zords for a short time. Doomwing later travel to Earth with Lord Arcanon to aid him in obtaining the Energems. After unfusing with Zenowing and losing the Silver Energem, he is destroyed by the Silver Dino Charge Ranger.

Professor Strickler (Silver Dino Charge Ranger)
Voiced By: Emmett Skilton
Season: Power Rangers Dino Super Charge
“Freaky Fightday”
Professor Strickler is a teacher-themed outlaw that is among the group of Sledge’s Prisoner that are recruited by Heckyl to join him, commenting that he destroyed his entire planet. He is later recruited by Snide to assist him in obtaining the Energems for Lord Arcanon with a reanimated Game Face & Nightmare. He gives Nightmare the Switch Eraser, a device he uses to switch the bodies of the Dino Charge Rangers, eventually switching bodies with the Silver Dino Charge Rangers for a short time. He returns to his original body after his Switch Eraser is destroyed, with him being defeated by a Silver Prism Slash. He grows giant alongside Game Face & Nightmare after being blasted with the Magna Beam but is destroyed by the Titano Charge Megazord.

Zombie Rangers
Played By: Brennan Mejia, James Davies, Michael Taber, Camille Hyde & Davi Santos
Season: Power Rangers Dino Super Charge

The Dino Charge Rangers, with the exception of the Blue Dino Charge Rangers are turned into zombies after listening to Conductro & Screech’s music until the Blue Dino Charge Ranger is able to cover their ears.

Heximas’ Evil Elves
Played By: Brennan Mejia, James Davis, Michael Taber & Camille Hyde
Season: Power Rangers Dino Super Charge
“Here Comes Heximas”

Heximas’ Evil Elves are elf-like creatures and corrupt versions of Tyler Navarro, Chase Randall, Riley Griffin & Shelby Watkins after they are exposed to his evil coal. Tyler Navarro is cured before he is able to assist Heximas in delivering his evil coal around the world while Chase Randall & Riley Griffin are cured after they are captured by the other Dino Charge Rangers. Shelby Watkins assists Heximas in fighting the other Dino Charge Rangers but is cured when Tyler Navarro is able to remind her of her true self.

Levi Weston (Evil)
Played By: Jordi Webber
Season: Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel
“Tough Love”

Levi Weston is turned evil and given a new clothing aesthetic by the warrior contestant Spyclops, who disguises herself as a human singer named Jess to trick him into singing a song that was actually an evil spell created by Madame Odius. He is ordered to destroy the Ninja Steel Rangers, fighting them and nearly destroying them with his Rockstorm Guitar until the Blue Ninja Steel Ranger is able to break the spell after reciting it backwards.

Controller Beamed Ninja Steel Rangers
Voiced By: Will Shewfelt, Zoe Robins & Peter Sudarso
Season: Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel
“Game Plan”
The Red Ninja Steel Ranger, White Ninja Steel Ranger & Blue Ninja Steel Ranger are put under the influence of Game Goblin after being blasted with his Controller Beam, being used to fight their teammates and take their Ninja Power Stars. The Blue Ninja Steel Ranger lasts the longest under Game Goblin’s influence and nearly takes the Yellow Ninja Power Star & White Ninja Power Star until he is freed from this influence after Game Goblin loses too much energy.

Tommy Oliver (Robot)
Played By: Jason David Frank
Season: Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel
“Dimensions In Danger”
The Tommy Oliver Robot is a robotic clone created by Madame Odius to look like Tommy Oliver in order to trick Legendary Rangers into getting captured by Lord Draven so that he could create an army of Ranger Clones. He later fights the real Tommy Oliver as Dino Thunder Black but is destroyed by the real Tommy Oliver harnessing the powers of the Green Ranger, White Ranger, Red Zeo Ranger & Black Dino Ranger.


Ranger Clone Army
(Red Ranger, Pink Turbo Ranger, Blue Space Ranger, Black Dino Ranger, White Dino Ranger, Gold Samurai Ranger & Yellow Megaforce Ranger)
Season: Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel
“Dimensions In Danger”
The Ranger Clone Army are robotic soldiers that are given powers extracted from the captured Legendary Rangers. Lord Draven intended on using them as his personal army when he invades the multiverse but are destroyed by the combined efforts of the Ninja Steel Rangers & Legendary Rangers.

Ackshun (Brody Romero’s Body)
Played By: Will Shewfelt
Voiced By: Gareth Willams
Season: Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel
“Monster Mix-Up”
Ackshun is a movie director-themed monster and a member of the Gruesome Grunts that switches bodies with Brody Romero, the Red Ninja Steel Ranger and poses as him when the Mummy Guards come to pick up the four captured Gruesome Grunts to put them on trial at the Halloween Intergalactic Court. When it is revealed that Ackshun isn’t Brody Romero, he attempts to escape but is frozen by the Court Witch and swapped back into his original body, where he is vaporized by the Pumpkin Judges.

Stabberous (Preston Tien’s Body)
Played By: Peter Sudarso
Voiced By: Emmett Skilton
Season: Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel
“Monster Mix-Up”
Stabberous is a swiss army knife-themed monster and a member of the Gruesome Grunts that switches bodies with Preston Tien, the Blue Ninja Steel Ranger and poses as him when his body is put on trial at the Halloween Intergalactic Court. He persuades the Pumpkin Judges into not believing information given about how Brody Romero saved the Nexus Prism from Galvanax due to the events airing on Galaxy Warriors. He also makes up a story about how the Ninja Steel Rangers fought his old body with magic capes and is seen picking his teeth with Preston Tien’s Magic Wand when he asks to use it to prove his real identity. When it is revealed that Stabberous isn’t Preston Tien, he attempts to escape but is frozen by the Court Witch and swapped back into his original body, where he is vaporized by the Pumpkin Judges.

Fangore (Calvin Maxwell’s Body)
Played By: Nico Greetham

Voiced By: Stephen Brunton
Season: Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel
“Monster Mix-Up”
Fangore is a male vampire-themed monster and a member of the Gruesome Grunts that switches bodies with Calvin Maxwell, the Yellow Ninja Steel Ranger and poses as him when his body is put on trial at the Halloween Intergalactic Court. He attempts to tell a story about him to the Pumpkin Judges but ends up exclaiming how good looking, suave and cool he is before Jabberon & Shelldax continues his story. When it is revealed that Fangore isn’t Calvin Maxwell, he attempts to escape but is frozen by the Court Witch and swapped back into his original body, where he is vaporized by the Pumpkin Judges.

Plasmora (Sarah Thompson’s Body)
Played By: Chrysti Ane
Voiced By: Lauren Jackson
Season: Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel
“Monster Mix-Up”
Plasmora is a female vampire-themed monster and a member of the Gruesome Grunts that switches bodies with Sarah Thompson, the Pink Ninja Steel Ranger and poses as her while four of the Ninja Steel Rangers are put on trial at the Halloween Intergalactic Court. She completes Stabberous’ story to the Pumpkin Judges on how the Ninja Steel Rangers were able to stop him from breaking their weapons by using their Ninja Element Star Metal Attack. When it is revealed that Plasmora isn’t Sarah Thompson, she attempts to escape but is frozen by the Court Witch and swapped back into her original body, where she is vaporized by the Pumpkin Judges.


Jabberon (Hayley Foster’s Body)
Played By: Zoe Robins

Voiced By: Daisy Lawless
Season: Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel
“Monster Mix-Up”
Jabberon is a mouth/glasses-themed monster and a member of the Gruesome Grunts that switches bodies with Hayley Foster, the White Ninja Steel Ranger and poses as her while her body is put on trial at the Halloween Intergalactic Court. She continues Fangore’s story on how terrible he is by accusing him of trying to bite them and later tells Calvin Maxwell to try some garlic when he says he loves garlic. When it is revealed that Jabberon isn’t Hayley Foster, she attempts to escape but is frozen by the Court Witch and swapped back into her original body, where she is vaporized by the Pumpkin Judges.

Shelldax (Levi Weston’s Body)
Played By: Jordi Webber
Voiced By: Jeremy Birchall
Season: Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel
“Monster Mix-Up”
Shelldax is a snapping turtle-themed monster and a member of the Gruesome Grunts that switches bodies with Levi Weston, the Gold Ninja Steel Ranger and poses as him while the Mummy Guards come to pick up, saying they captured them to be put on trial at the Halloween Intergalactic Court. He continues Jabberon’s story about Fangore, saying that they fought him with garlic when they tried to bite them. When it is revealed that Shelldax isn’t Levi Weston, he attempts to escape but is frozen by the Court Witch and swapped back into his original body, where he is vaporized by the Pumpkin Judges.

Calvin Maxwell (Mind Controlled)
Played By: Nico Greetham
Season: Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel
“Doom Signal” & “Reaching The Nexus”

Calvin Maxwell is put under mind control after he watches the television show aired by Madame Odius to mind control the citizens of Summer Cove. He is then teleported to the Warrior Dome, where he fights Hayley Foster when she attempts to destroy the satellite dish that is emitting the television signal, nearly killing her until he is freed from mind control after Hayley Foster destroy the satellite dish with a blast from her Ninja Blaster.

Rita Repulsa (Evil Green Ranger)
Played By: Elizabeth Banks
Movie: Power Rangers (2017)
Rita Repulsa was once the Green Ranger that fought on the side of good until she was corrupted to the side of evil which inevitably caused her to kill all her teammates. Zordon, in one last ditch effort trapped her in stasis for which he laid at the bottom of the sea for many years. In present day, Rita is scooped up from the bottom of the sea by some fisherman and slowly revives herself by eating gold and finding more gold to summon her ultimate creation, Goldar in order to track down the Zeo Crystal. She eventually finds the location of the Zeo Crystal under a Krispy Kreme and nearly succeeds in gaining its power until she is slapped by the Megazord and hurled into space.


Blaze (Dark Avatar)
Played By: Colby Strong
Season: Power Rangers Beast Morphers
“Beasts Unleashed” to “Evox: Upgraded”
Blaze is a Dark Avatar created by Evox from the original Red Beast Morphers Ranger candidate, Blaze who has the ability to transform into an evil version of the Red Beast Morphers Ranger. Blaze has a short temper, often blowing up when his plans fail or when he gets called out by Scrozzle. Blaze develops a rivalry with Devon Daniels due to the two having animosity prior to Blaze becoming a Dark Avatar. Blaze is offered an upgrade by Evox if he succeeds in obtaining data containing the Beast Morphers Rangers abilities and is unsuccessful in obtaining any of these abilities but does try to use the Fury Cells in an attempt to gain Evox’s favor. However, after Vargoyle arrives on the scene, Blaze attempts to regain Evox’s favor by obtaining Mega Transporters from Grid Battleforce, succeeding at this task while getting rid of Vargoyle by talking Scrozzle into de-powering him. Blaze successfully capture Devon Daniels after defeating him battle and later fights him one on one in his personal zord after he is rescued by his teammates. He is destroyed however when his personal zord is destroyed by a slash by the Beast Racer Zord Battle Mode.


Roxy (Dark Avatar)
Played By: Liana Ramirez
Season: Power Rangers Beast Morphers
“Beasts Unleashed” to “Target: Tower”
Roxy is a Dark Avatar created by Evox from the original Yellow Beast Morphers Ranger candidate, Roxy who has the ability to transform into an evil version of the Yellow Beast Morphers Ranger. Roxy is calm and collective compared to Blaze, often calming him down when he gets called out by Scrozzle. Roxy takes advantage of her past relationship with Ravi Shaw, toying with his emotions to obtain a Neural Aligner and attempts to turn the Blue Beast Morphers Ranger into a Dark Avatar. Roxy is offered an upgrade by Evox if she succeeds in obtaining data containing the Beast Morphers Rangers abilities and succeeds in obtaining all three abilities. However, Vargoyle is offered the upgrade instead and attempts to regain his favor by obtaining Mega Transporters from Grid Battleforce, succeeding at this task while getting rid of Vargoyle by talking Scrozzle into de-powering him. Roxy also installs a virus into her human counterparts stasis pod in order to distract the Beast Morphers Rangers while she’s busy enacting Evox’s final plans. She is ambushed by Ravi Shaw however and is destroyed by him after he crushes her Evox Morpher.

Clonetron (Nate Silva)
Played By: Abraham Rodriguez
Voiced By: Hamish McGregor
Season: Power Rangers Beast Morphers
“Real Steel”
Clonetron is a copy-themed Robotron created by Blaze after he infects a copy machine with the Evox Virus and has the ability to scan anyone and transform into a clone of that person. Clonetron uses his ability to disguise himself as Nate Silva in order to infiltrate Grid Battleforce Headquarters to destroy the computer that controls the zords. His is found out by Steel however and attempts to escape but is found by the Beast Morphers Rangers, being destroyed by a combined Beast-X Blast from the Blue Beast Morphers Ranger & Yellow Beast Morphers Ranger.

Devon Daniels (Fury Cells)
Played By: Rorrie D. Travis
Season: Power Rangers Beast Morphers
“Seeing Red”
Devon Daniels slowly becomes corrupted after using Fury Cells to power-up his Red Fury Mode, fighting his teammates when they attempt to stop him using more Fury Cells.
He is cured however after he destroys the last Fury Cell.

Robo Blaze
Played By: Colby Strong
Season: Power Rangers Beast Morphers
“Save Our Shores” to “Source Code”
Robo Blaze is a robotic clone created by Scrozzle from a DNA Scan of the real Blaze and has the ability to transform into an amber-colored robotic warrior. Due to him being a robot clone, Robo Blaze can be resurrected if he is destroyed and is multiple times. After Robo Roxy gains new powers from Nate Silva’s DNA Scanner, Robo Blaze fails out of favor with Evox, attempting to regain it by secretly stealing Morph-X to gain a heightened boost in power, being able to easily take on the Beast Morphers Rangers in battle himself. Robo Blaze later disguises himself as human Blaze in order to manipulate the Beast Morphers Rangers into capturing and imprisoning Evox in Grid Battleforce Headquarters. Robo Blaze is later tasked with uploading access codes into a Morph-X Tower so that Venjix could gain access to the global system but is stopped by the Beast Morphers Rangers and is destroyed by an arrow containing an anti virus for the Venjix Virus developed by Nate Silva & Doctor K.


Robo Roxy
Played By: Liana Ramirez
Season: Power Rangers Beast Morphers
“Save Our Shores” to “Fossil Frenzy”
Robo Roxy is a robotic clone created by Scrozzle from a DNA Scan of the real Roxy and has the ability to transform into a violet-colored version of her original robotic armor. Due to her being a robot clone, Robo Roxy can be resurrected if she is destroyed and is multiple times. Robo Roxy upgrades her armor after using Nate Silva’s DNA Scanner in Scrozzle’s Robot Maker to add plant-like weaponry to her arms and is tasked with destroying a Beast Morphers Ranger by Evox and chooses Ravi Shaw as her target. Even though she puts up a good fight, she is destroyed by a slash from the Beast-X Spin Saber. After falling out of favor with Evox, Robo Roxy takes desperate measures and scans DNA from the fossil of a Vultursaurus, a dinosaur discovered by Zoey Reeve’s brother, Mike Reeves. Robo Roxy’s new form however destroys Scrozzle’s Robot Maker, inevitably making this life her last life. She later uses her new form to take on the Beast Morphers Rangers, giving them a good thrashing before growing giant and gaining even more power. It isn’t enough however and she is destroyed for good by the Beast-X King Ultrazord.

Beast Morphers Ranger (Holo Clones)
Season: Power Rangers Beast Morphers
“Game On!”
The Holo Clones are holograms of the Beast Morphers Rangers created by Gamertron to fight the real Beast Morphers Rangers. They are able to keep up with their good counterparts until they are destroyed by the Beast Morphers Rangers after a girl named Kerry tell them a cheat attack that makes them freeze.

Nate Silva (Mind Controlled)
Played By: Abraham Rodriguez
Season: Power Rangers Beast Morphers
“The Blame Game”
Nate Silva is put under the influence of the Robotron, Controlatron to develop a malware for Evox and is later tasked with fighting the Red Beast Morphers Rangers as the Gold Beast Morphers Ranger. He nearly destroys him until one of Controlatron’s Puppets is destroyed by a slash from the Red Beast Morphers Ranger’s Beast-X Saber.

Ollie Akana (Mind Controlled)
Played By: Kai Moya
Season: Power Rangers Dino Fury
“Love Hate”
Ollie Akana is put under a mind control poison by Lord Zedd’s General, Sizzurai to get information from Dinohenge’s Computer Systems. He is later used to fight the other Dino Fury Rangers until Javi Garcia put him to sleep with the Dino Sleep Key, with the spell later being broken by Amelia Jones.

Javi Garcia & Izzy Garcia (Evil)
Played By: Chance Perez & Tessa Rao
Season: Power Rangers Dino Fury
“Bad Vibes”
The Garcia Siblings are turned evil after Nulleye blasts them with Void King’s Sporix Blaster. They attempt to steal the Sporix Container, failing to do so but end up in succeeding in obtaining a passcode for a drill Void King uses to break into Dinohenge to successfully steal the Sporix Container. Their evil influence is later broken after seeing their parent do karaoke, losing all the memories they had while under evil influence.

Ollie Akana (Evil Blue Dino Fury Ranger)
Played By: Kai Moya
Season: Power Rangers Cosmic Fury
Ollie Akana, the Blue Dino Fury Ranger is turned evil once again after being exposed to evil toxins blasted on him by Doodrip. After piloting a Squid Drill in an attempt to destroy the Cosmic Fury Zords, he is captured by Amelia Jones, who attempts to cure him but fails after the Dinohenge Statues are destroyed by Lord Zedd, with the exception of the Tricera Statue, which is spared so that he is able to still be connected to the Morphin’ Grid in exchange for his loyalty. After manipulating his mother to find out Zayto’s location, he teams up with a group of monster and is given a new morpher created by Scrozzle to give him the ability to morph into a corrupted version of the Blue Dino Fury Ranger. After failing to capture Zayto and fight off his former teammates, he decides that teamworks isn’t for him and decides to take advice given to him by Lord Zedd and starts to work alone. After fighting the Cosmic Fury Rangers successfully take the Cosmic Dragon Zord on a mining planet, Ollie puts a tracker on it, which he uses to find the location of their base on Erridus. He teams up with Jozotic to fight them due to his vast knowledge of Erridus, failing to stop them. Ollie Akana is turned good again after the Tricera Statue is destroyed by Mucus & Slyther but pretends to still be evil in order to get information to the Cosmic Fury Rangers on Zedd’s Master Plan.

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