Voiced By: Byron Coll
Played By: Emma Carr & Kōji Mimura
Redbot is a sentient red robot that worked on the Warrior Dome in the janitorial department. He is also the best friend of Brody Romero while he was on the Warrior Dome and after escaping the Warrior Dome, he assists Mick Kanic in the base by helping melt down Ninja Steel and creates Ninja Power Stars. Redbot is also main inspiration for the Robo Red Zord. Redbot is programmed with human emotions and feelings, being able to feel pain and has a desire for attention and does so by writing a blog telling alternative stories about the Ninja Steel Rangers where he assists in fighting Galaxy Warriors Contestants.
Princess Viera
Played By: Ruby Love
Princess Viera is the newly appointed ruler of the Lion Galaxy that competed on Galaxy Warriors with her royal bodyguard, Drillion in order to prove herself as a powerful ruler. However, after Sarah Thompson, the Pink Ninja Steel Ranger shows her kindness and Drillion betrays her, Princess Viera decides to come to the aid of the Ninja Steel Rangers and defeats her former bodyguard with the Lion Fire Zord. After lending her power to Brody Romero, the Red Ninja Steel Rangers to defeat Drillion, Viera leaves the Earth and returns to the Lion Galaxy. Princess Viera later sends the Ninja Steel Rangers her Ninja Power Stars to use on a permanent basis and a magic wand and spell book for Preston Tien, the Blue Ninja Steel Ranger.
Sheriff Skyfire
Voiced By: Mark Mitchinson
Sheriff Skyfire is a space sheriff that is tricked by Madame Odius into thinking the Ninja Steel Rangers stole the Nexus Prism from her and fought the Ninja Steel Rangers to get it back. After finding out that Madame Odius lied to him, he teams up with the Ninja Steel Rangers to fight the Galaxy Warrior Contestant, Blammo. He leaves the Earth shortly after receiving a new assignment from his superiors.
Summer Cove Residents
Victor Vincent
Played By: Chris Reid
Victor Vincent is a teenage athlete that attends Summer Cove High School. Victor Vincent is a narcissist, desiring to obtain fame by obtaining a fiftieth trophy and attempts to obtain one by competing in various competitions like track, tennis and weight lifting. He temporarily drops out of school and attempts to get rich quick by selling a monster repellant that smells like farts but ends up reenrolling in school after this is proven false. Victor is later used alongside Monty in attracting people to watch their antics to hypnotize them for Madame Odius to use in her army. He later figures this out and assists in evacuating the hypnotized citizens of the Warrior Dome and is be responsible for destroying Badonna & Cosmo Royale with bombs. After accomplishing this, he is given his fiftieth trophy by the Mayor of Summer Cove.
Played By: Caleb Bendit
Monty is a nerdy student at Summer Cove High School. Monty has a deep fondness for Victor Vincent, assisting him in all his goal and endeavors. Monty is also well-versed in technology, being able to create a mega magnet that would attract Ninja Steel that would be stolen and used by Galvanax. He temporarily drops out of school and attempts to get rich quick by selling a monster repellant that smells like his farts but reenrolls in school after this is proven false. Monty is used alongside Victor in attracting people to watch their antics to hypnotize them for Madame Odius to use in her army. He later figures this out and assists in evacuating the hypnotized citizens of the Warrior Dome and is responsible for destroying Badonna & Cosmo Royale.
Principal Hastings
Played By: Amanda Billing
Principal Hastings is the principal of Summer Cove High School that is responsible for hiring Mick Kanic as the Shop Class teacher of Summer Cove High School. She is also responsible for overseeing events at the school, including dances, sports tournaments and charity events. After one of their Victor & Monty’s schemes to get rich failed, she allows them to reenroll in Summer Cove High School.
Played By: Claire Chitham
Mrs.Finch is a teacher working at Summer Cove High School, teaching her students simple math equations, giving them tests, and giving them bigger assignments like when Sarah Thompson created a machine that made delicious cookies out of anything. She is prepared for Victor & Monty’s antics, supplying her students gas masks for a test when they attempts to fart their way out of a test.
Played By: Lori Dungey
Mrs.Bell is a secretary that works the front desk at the entrance of Summer Cove High School. She take orders from Principal Hastings, safe guarding a confiscated copy of Game Goblin and is often the victim antics from Victor & Monty.
Played By: Mikaela Ruegg
Sandy is a new student at Summer Cove High School that befriends Preston Tien, the Blue Ninja Steel Ranger and later goes with him to the Valentine’s Day Dance.
Emma Harris
Played By: Xang Tang
Emma Harris is a computer whiz at Summer Cover High School that befriends Brody Romero, the Red Ninja Steel Ranger when he starts teaching her martial arts. She later helps the Ninja Steel Rangers debug a computer virus planted in their weapons by the Galaxy Warriors Contestant, Typeface.
Mayor Of Summer Cove
Played By: Daniel Sing
The Mayor Of Summer Cove is responsible for judging and overseeing many events in Summer Cove, including a race held near Lake Sunshine and presenting Victor Vincent with a trophy for his heroism in rescuing civilians from the Warrior Dome.
Simone Swift
Played By: Kate Elliott
Simone Swift is a marketing executive that attempts to get Levi Weston to be a spokesperson for Double Danger Chili Burgers. She later auditions other people for the job, hiring Victor Vincent when he is turned into a werewolf but fires him when they only wanted him as the werewolf.
Played By: Jared Turner
Joe is the owner of Joe’s Towing, a car mechanic shop in Summer Cove that offers Calvin Maxwell a job in his shop after seeing him work on a woman’s car. He attempts to sway him into quitting High School to work for him full time at his shop but Calvin rejects this job, seeing that it is important to finish his education at Summer Cove High School.
Family Members
Marcus Tien
Played By: Mac Jeffrey Ong
Marcus Tien is the father of Preston Tien, the Blue Ninja Steel Ranger. Marcus is also a wealthy businessman in Summer Cove that wanted to cut down the Ribbon Tree in order to build a skyscraper. However, after seeing a ribbon he placed on the tree for Preston many years ago, he has a change of heart.
Mister Kanic & Mrs.Kanic
Played By: Peter Hayden & Andrea Kelland
Mister Kanic & Mrs.Kanic are the parents of Mick Kanic from the Lion Galaxy that are able to communicate with their son after twenty years thanks to Princess Viera.
Jackie Thompson
Played By: Jodie Rimmer
Jackie Thompson is the mother of Sarah Thompson, the Pink Ninja Steel Ranger. Like her daughter, Jackie is a brilliant inventor shown in Sarah’s usage of one of her inventions to create a Ninja Power Star from a limited amount of Ninja Steel. Jackie eventually starts dating Aaron Foster, Hayley’s Dad after she helps him fix his Custom Net Cannon.
Aaron Foster
Played By: Marcus Johnson
Aaron Foster is the father of Hayley Foster, the White Ninja Steel Ranger. Aaron is also a marine biologist that created a drone called Custom Net Cannon that later becomes the Sub Surfer Zord. Aaron starts dating Jackie Thompson after she helps him fix his Custom Net Cannon.
Halloween Intergalactic Court
Pumpkin Judges
Voiced By: Andrew Laing, Jeremy Renderson & Campbell Cooley
The Pumpkin Judges are a triad of sentient pumpkins that are judges of the Halloween Intergalactic Court. They are tricked in putting the Ninja Steel Rangers on trial after their bodies are switched with the Gruesome Grunts. After the the Ninja Steel Rangers and are put back into their original bodies, they vaporize the Gruesome Grunts.
Court Witch
Played By: Eve Gordon
The Court Witch is a green witch working for the Halloween Intergalactic Court. She was the prosecuting attorney on the trial for the Gruesome Grunts, unaware they were actually the Ninja Steel Rangers. She uses her magic to put the Ninja Steel Rangers back into their original bodies after Mick Kanic reveals the plot of the Gruesome Grunts.
Putrid & Spoil
Voiced By: Scott Wills & James Davies
Putrid & Spoil are two Mummy Guards working for the Halloween Intergalactic Court that arrest the Ninja Steel Rangers when they are in the bodies of the Gruesome Grunts.
Santa Claus
Santa Claus
Played By: John Sumner
Santa Claus travels to Summer Cove High School to assist Sarah Thompson, the Pink Ninja Steel Ranger in retrieving the Ninja Power Stars in the past in order to defeat Cleocatra. Santa Claus later helps the Ninja Steel Rangers escape the Warrior Dome after they are brought there by Sledge.
Legendary Rangers
Tommy Oliver
Played By: Jason David Frank
Tommy Oliver is captured by Lord Draven at his house in Reefside and is used as one of the components in creating Ranger Clone Soldiers based on his Black Dino Ranger powers. He escapes and assists in rescuing the rest of the captured Power Rangers. He is then challenged to a one-on-one battle by one of his robotic clones and used the Master Morpher to change from his various powers, successfully destroying his robotic clone. He later teams up with the Ninja Steel Rangers & Legendary Rangers to fight Lord Draven and his Ranger Clone Army and later uses the Falconzord in order to redirect one of Lord Draven’s Arrows.
Rocky DeSantos
Played By: Steve Cardenas
Rocky DeSantos is the Red Ranger that is captured by Lord Draven and is used as one of the components for his Ranger Clone Army. He is later rescued and teams up with the Ninja Steel Rangers & Legendary Rangers in fighting Lord Draven and his Ranger Clone Army.
Katherine Hillard
Played By: Catherine Sutherland
Katherine Hillard is the Pink Turbo Ranger that is captured by Lord Draven and is used as one of the components for his Ranger Clone Army. She is later rescued and teams up with the Ninja Steel Rangers & Legendary Rangers in fighting Lord Draven and his Ranger Clone Army.
TJ Johnson
Played By: Selwyn Ward
TJ Johnson is the Blue Space Ranger that is captured by Lord Draven and is used as one of the components for his Ranger Clone Army. He is later rescued and teams up with the Ninja Steel Rangers & Legendary Rangers in fighting Lord Draven and his Ranger Clone Army.
Wes Collins
Played By: Jason Faunt
Wes Collins is the Red Time Force Ranger appears to the Ninja Steel Rangers in a hooded robe, alongside Gemma, the Ranger Operator Series Silver and Koda, the Blue Dino Charge Ranger in order to assist them in unlocking the Ninja Blaze Zord Stars. He later appears to the Ninja Steel Rangers again to ask for their assistance in rescuing the Legendary Rangers captured by Lord Draven. He then teams up with the Ninja Steel Rangers & Legendary Rangers to fight Lord Draven and his Ranger Clone Army. After the Ninja Steel Rangers defeat Madame Odius, he sends the Ninja Steel Rangers a Transportal Device.
Trent Fernandez-Mercer
Played By: Jeffrey Parazzo
Trent Mercer is the White Dino Ranger that is captured by Lord Draven and is used as one of the components for his Ranger Clone Army. He is later rescued and teams up with the Ninja Steel Rangers & Legendary Rangers in fighting Lord Draven and his Ranger Clone Army.
Played By: Li Ming Hu
Gemma, also known as Ranger Operator Series Silver, travels to the Main Dimension and appears to the Ninja Steel Rangers in a hooded robe, alongside Wes Collins, the Ranger Time Force Ranger and Koda, the Blue Dino Charge Ranger in order to assist them in unlocking the Ninja Blaze Zord Stars. She later appears to the Ninja Steel Rangers again to ask for their assistance in rescuing the Legendary Rangers captured by Lord Draven. She then teams up with the Ninja Steel Rangers & Legendary Rangers to fight Lord Draven and his Ranger Clone Army.
Antonio Garcia
Played By: Steven Skyler
Antonio Garcia is the Gold Samurai Ranger that is captured by Lord Draven and is used as one of the components for his Ranger Clone Army. He is later rescued and teams up with the Ninja Steel Rangers & Legendary Rangers in fighting Lord Draven and his Ranger Clone Army.
Gia Moran
Played By: Ciara Hanna
Gia Moran is the Yellow Megaforce Ranger that is captured by Lord Draven and is used as one of the components for his Ranger Clone Army. She is later rescued and teams up with the Ninja Steel Rangers & Legendary Rangers in fighting Lord Draven and his Ranger Clone Army.
Played By: Yoshi Sudarso
Koda is the Blue Dino Charge Ranger that travels to the Main Dimension and appears to the Ninja Steel Rangers in a hooded robe, alongside Wes Collins, the Ranger Time Force Ranger and Gemma, the Ranger Operator Series Silver in order to assist them in unlocking the Ninja Blaze Zord Stars. He later appears to the Ninja Steel Rangers again to ask for their assistance in rescuing the Legendary Rangers captured by Lord Draven. He then teams up with the Ninja Steel Rangers & Legendary Rangers to fight Lord Draven and his Ranger Clone Army. Koda comes in contact with Preston Tien, the Blue Ninja Steel Ranger when he uses the Transportal Device to travel to the Dino Charge Dimension and teams up with him to save his teammates and destroys Sledge’s Crew with a bomb.