Galaxy Warriors (Galvanax)
Voiced By: Richard Simpson
Galavanax is the reigning champion of the intergalactic gameshow, Galaxy Warriors that desired power and travels to Earth to obtain the Ninja Power Stars. Unfortunately for him, they were trapped inside the Nexus Prism so he uses his clout to have intergalactic warriors compete to release the Ninja Power Stars from the Nexus Prism. After the Nexus Prism and the Ninja Power Stars are acquired by the Ninja Steel Rangers, he sends down his Warrior Contestants down to Earth to obtain them. He eventually acquires the Ninja Power Stars himself thanks to a super powerful magnet created by Monty and melts them down all the Ninja Power Stars to power-up. However, Madame Odius uses a giant version of the super magnet to weaken him, letting the Ninja Steel Rangers, in conjunction with the Nexus Prism to destroy him for good.
Voiced By: Campbell Cooley
Ripcon is an intergalactic warrior working under Galavnax that develops a rivalry with Brody Romero, the Red Ninja Steel Ranger that stems from his former work as a slave on the Warrior Dome and develops even further when one of his horns is chopped off while attempting to obtain the Gold Ninja Power Star. Ripcon becomes very suspicious of Madame Odius after discovering the Gold Ninja Steel Ranger in a secret room, but is framed by her, making Galvanax think he was responsible for secretly housing the Gold Ninja Steel Ranger. He is then sent to Earth and grown giant to destroy the Ninja Steel Rangers as punishment but is destroyed himself by the newly formed Ninja Fusion Zord.
Galaxy Warriors (Madame Odius)
Madame Odius
Voiced By: Jacque Drew
Madame Odius is a kitsune-like sorceress and an adviser to Galvanax, but also has her own goals, obtaining the Gold Ninja Power Star, capturing Levi Weston, the Gold Ninja Steel Ranger and traps him in a secret room. She also creates a robotic clone of Aiden Romero, programing his memories into it in order to use him to obtain the Ninja Power Stars. Ripcon grows suspicious of her secrecy after discovering the Gold Ninja Steel Ranger in her secret room but Madame Odius silences him after framing him for these crimes. She continues to serve Galvanax until she obtains a super magnet created by Monty, weakening him and revealing her ambitions to him before being hurled into space by an asteroid containing Ninja Super Steel. She later takes over the Warrior Dome herself after having it fixed by Sledge and travels to Earth to revive the Nexus Prism. She attempts to use the Ninja Super Steel to create her own evil Ninja Power Stars, but is thwarted by the Ninja Steel Rangers and revives Galaxy Warriors in order to get Warrior Contestants to get her the Ninja Power Stars. After her plans of using the Galactic Ninjas technology to build Foxitron to defeat the Ninja Steel Rangers fails, she has one of her minions, Tynamon hypnotize Mick Kanic and uses him to build a device to hypnotize the citizens of Earth, revealing her ultimate goal of building an army to obtain universal domination. She also breaks into the Ninja Steel Ranger’s base to steal the Nexus Prism in order to create a Ninja Nexus Star to gain ultimate power and decimates the Ninja Steel Rangers. However, the Ninja Steel Rangers power-up themselves thanks to a spell performed by Preston Tien, the Blue Ninja Steel Ranger and is destroyed by them with a combined attack.
Voiced By: Marissa Stott
Badonna is one of Sledge’s Prisoners that was among the group that accompanies Sledge to search the damaged Warrior Dome. She begs Madame Odius for her freedom in exchange for her undying loyalty, which she accepts. She prove her loyalty by extracting all the Ninja Super Steel from the asteroid attached to the Warrior Dome before Sledge leaves with it and finding out. Badonna is responsible for booking power intergalactic warriors to compete on Galaxy Warriors, including the Galactic Ninjas and Brax, which she reveals to crush on and constantly tries to impress him. Badonna is also be a capable fighter, being able to go toe-to-toe with the Ninja Steel Rangers. After being heartbroken by the destruction of Brax, she is destroyed by grenades thrown at her by Victor & Monty.
General Tynamon
Voiced By: Estevez Gillespie & Jordi Webber
General Tynamon is Brax’s manager that offers his services to Madame Odius after Brax is booked on Galaxy Warriors. Tynamon obtains the Ninja Fusion Star after the Ninja Steel Rangers drop it in battle and uses a spell to switch voices with Levi Weston, the Gold Ninja Steel Ranger in order to use the Ninja Fusion Star to fuse six Skullgators into the monster, Megamauler. After this plan fails, it is revealed that Tynamon is actually a small alien that pilots a robotic version of his body. Madame Odius promises to make him regular size if he used his small size to hypnotize Mick Kanic and succeeds. He then fights the Ninja Steel Rangers himself, with his robotic body being damaged in the altercation. He then gets his wish by being grown giant but is destroyed by the Ninja Ultrazord.
Voiced By: Jamie Linehan
Brax is a powerful intergalactic warrior managed by Tynamon that is booked on Galaxy Warriors by Badonna to defeat the Ninja Steel Rangers in battle. He pretends to be a wimp and incompetent fighter in order to trick the Ninja Steel Rangers into a false sense of comfort before completely decimating them in battle. He is defeated in battle however after Sarah Thompson, the Pink Ninja Steel Rangers develops the Superstar Blade. He grows giant to continue his fight with the Ninja Steel Rangers until he retreats after Badonna summons Skullgators to fight them in his place. Brax is later sent down by Madame Odius to assist Gorrox in fighting the Ninja Steel Rangers after successfully capturing Victor & Monty and is grown giant shorty after, being destroyed by the combined efforts of the Ninja Steel Megazord & Ninja Blaze Ultrazord, after admitting his love for Badonna.
Cosmo Royale
Cosmo Royale
Voiced By: Campbell Cooley
Cosmo Royale is the charismatic host of Galaxy Warriors, being responsible for introducing Warrior Contestants, growing monsters and summoning Skullgators. Cosmo Royale attempts to destroy the Ninja Steel Rangers himself on Halloween, forcing them to play an enchanted board game named Grave Robber, where they fight revived monsters. After Galvanax is destroyed by the Ninja Steel Rangers, Cosmo is revealed to have survived the destruction of the Warrior Dome and is rehired by Madame Odius to continue hosting Galaxy Warriors after the Warrior Dome is repaired by Sledge. Cosmo Royale is destroyed during Madame Odius’ final attack on Earth after being blown up by grenades thrown by Victor & Monty.
Sledge’s Crew
Voiced By: Adam Gardiner
Sledge is an intergalactic bounty hunter and former enemy of the Dino Charge Rangers that is transported to the Main Dimension after traveling through a portal created by the Dark Energem. He finds the Warrior Dome and an asteroid containing Ninja Super Steel and attempts to take it for himself until meeting Madame Odius, where he makes a deal with her where he fixes the Warrior Dome in exchange for the asteroid containing Ninja Super Steel, not knowing Badonna had extracted all of the Ninja Super Steel. He later returns to commandeer the Warrior Dome after Madame Odius is destroyed and uses it to distract his wife, Poisandra while he attempted to steal the Ninja Power Stars. He successfully captures five of the Ninja Steel Rangers thanks to the aid of his monster, Snow Fright, with Preston Tien, the Blue Ninja Steel Ranger evading capture by teleporting the two to the Dino Charge Dimension with the Transportal Device. He returns to the Main Dimension after Preston teams up with Koda, the Blue Dino Charge Ranger to assist him in freeing his teammates. After Snow Fright is destroyed, he and his cohorts are destroyed by a bomb disguised as a present.
Voiced By: Jackie Clarke
Poisandra is the heart-shaped alien wife of Sledge that is transported to the Main Dimension after traveling through a portal created by the Dark Energem. She stays on Sledge’s Ship while Sledge fixed Warrior Dome but later travels to the Warrior Dome after Madame Odius is destroyed and configures the Warrior Dome to host her talk show, the Poisy Show. She has the Ninja Steel Rangers as her first guests, who trick her into getting angry at Sledge for neglecting her and uses that as a distraction to escape the Warrior Dome. After Snow Fright is destroyed, she is destroyed herself alongside her husband and Wrench by a bomb disguised as a present.
Voiced By: Estevez Gillespie
Wrench is a blue robotic alien scientist working for Sledge that is transported to the Main Dimension after traveling through a portal created by the Dark Energem. He is among the group that accompanies Sledge in searching the damaged Warrior Dome and is responsible for reprogramming the Basherbots and converting the stage for Galaxy Warriors into the Poisy Show. After Snow Fright is destroyed, he is destroyed himself alongside Sledge & Poisandra by a bomb disguised as a present.
Lord Draven’s Crew
Lord Draven
Voiced By: Rajneel Singh
Lord Draven is the ruler of the Antiverse that teams up with Madame Odius in order to have access to her robotic clone technology, Kudabots & Basherbots. His master plan is to use his Mega Arrows to break a hole in the multiverse in order to invade it with his Ranger Clone Army that were created from the powers of captured Legendary Rangers. He is later grown giant thanks to Madam Odius and attempts to fire his third Mega Arrow until the Falconzord directs it back at him, destroying him for good.
Tommy Oliver (Robot)
Played By: Jason David Frank
The robotic clone of Tommy Oliver is created from robotic clone technology provided to Lord Draven from Madame Odius that is used to trick the Legendary Rangers into being captured and extracted for Lord Draven’s Ranger Clone Army. He later fights the real Tommy Oliver after he frees the captured Legendary Rangers and morphs into a dark version of the Black Dino Ranger to utilize in battle. He is destroyed when the real Tommy Oliver harnesses the powers of the Green Ranger, White Ranger, Red Zeo Ranger & Black Dino Ranger with the Master Morpher.
Ranger Clone Army
(Red Ranger, Pink Turbo Ranger, Blue Space Ranger, Black Dino Ranger, White Dino Ranger, Gold Samurai Ranger & Yellow Megaforce Ranger)
The Ranger Clone Army are robotic soldiers that are given powers extracted from the captured Legendary Rangers. Lord Draven intended on using them as his personal army when he invades the multiverse but are destroyed by the combined efforts of the Ninja Steel Rangers & Legendary Rangers.
Foot Soldiers
The Kudabots are blue robotic soldiers that are used as foot soldiers by Galaxy Warrior Contestants. The Kudabots are also used to do menial tasks on the Warrior Dome.
The Basherbots are blue robotic soldiers that are more powerful versions of the Kudabots. They are used by Galaxy Warrior Contestants when extra muscle is needed and eventually become the primary foot soldiers for Galaxy Warrior Contestant. The last of the Basherbots are later reprogrammed by Wrench to use as foot soldiers while they are on the Warrior Dome but are all destroyed when the Warrior Dome is destroyed by a bomb disguised as a Christmas Present.
The Skullgators are giant crocodile monsters summoned by Cosmo Royale when a monster doesn’t get enough votes to get gigantified and also assist giant Galaxy Warrior Contestants in fighting the Ninja Steel Rangers.
The Buzzcams are fly-like robots that responsible for recording fights for Galaxy Warriors.