Galaxy Warrior Contestants
Voiced By: N/A
“Return Of The Prism”
Lavagor is a robotic warrior contestant from the X-10 System that fights Korvaka for the opportunity to pull a Ninja Power Stars from the Nexus Prism, being destroyed by a slash from his sword.
Voiced By: Tim Raby
“Return Of The Prism”
Korvaka is a cyborg/lion-like warrior contestant from the Ninninger Galaxy that fights Lavagor for the chance to pull a Ninja Power Star from the Ninja Nexus Prism and succeeds after destroying Lavagor. He nearly succeeds in pulling out a Ninja Power Star but is blasted by the Nexus Prism, being dragged off the stage by two Kudabots. He is later ordered by Galvanax to retrieve the Nexus Prism after Brody Romero escapes and throws it out the garbage chute. He eventually finds it but is prevented from obtaining it by Brody Romero, Preston Tien & Sarah Thompson, who have pulled out three Ninja Power Stars out of the Nexus Prism, becoming Ninja Steel Rangers and destroying him with a combined blast from the Ninja Blasters.
Voiced By: Adrian Smith
“Forged In Steel”
Ripperrat is a rat/chainsaw-themed warrior contestant sent to Summer Cove by Cosmo Royale to retrieve the Ninja Steel that is inside a trophy at Summer Cove High School. He fights Calvin Maxwell & Hayley Foster before the Nexus Prism arrive to give them the Yellow Ninja Power Star & White Ninja Star respectively, where they are joined by the rest of the Ninja Steel Rangers to fight Ripperrat, where he is taken down by a Steel Slash from the Red Ninja Steel Ranger. He grows giant after being blasted by the Gigantify Ray, fighting the Ninja Steel Zords before being destroyed by a combined blast from their zords and the Ninja Blasters.
Voiced By: Greg Ward
“Live And Learn” & “Grave Robber”
Spinferno is a fire-based goblin/rollerskating-themed warrior contestant that uses his super speed and fiery powers against the Ninja Steel Rangers. He first fights the Red Ninja Steel Ranger solo, fighting off attacks from his Element Star before retreating after being blasted by his Water Attack. He later returns to Summer Cove, getting into some shenanigans with Victor & Monty before fighting the Ninja Steel Rangers, summoning some Kudabots to fight them and later blasting them with his fire before he attempts to retreat on his roller skates. He is lured however to Confier Park by the Yellow Ninja Steel Ranger after he races him there to lure him into a trap, where he is tied up with a Vine Attack by the Element Stars and is destroyed by a combined Element Star Fire Attack. Spinferno later returns as a boss in Grave Robber, fighting the Yellow Ninja Steel Ranger and using one of his rings to make a truck drive off a cliff, making the Yellow Ninja Steel Ranger lose his level.
Skullgator I
“Live And Learn”
The Skullgator is a giant skeleton/alligator creature summoned by Cosmo Royale to fight the Ninja Steel Rangers after Spinferno doesn’t get enough votes to get gigantified. He puts up a good fight against the Ninja Steel Zords until the Yellow Ninja Steel Ranger puts a crack in his head, letting the Ninja Steel Rangers destroy him with the Ninja Steel Megazord.
Rejected Warrior Contestants
(Lavagor’s Brother & Ripcon’s Mother)
“Presto Change-O”
These two warrior contestant were potential candidates for Galaxy Warriors but were rejected by Galvanax.
Voiced By: Ian Hughes
“Presto Change-O” & “Grave Robber”
Slogre is a turtle/fire extinguisher-themed warrior contestant summoned by Galvanax to fight the Ninja Steel Ranger in his place. He successfully sprays three of the Ninja Steel Rangers with his slow mist before retreating after taking a Dragon’s Eyre attack from the Blue Ninja Steel Ranger. He later returns to Summer Cove after his slow mist starts to effect the Yellow Ninja Steel Ranger, White Ninja Steel Ranger & Pink Ninja Steel Ranger, taking their Ninja Power Stars for a short time until the Blue Ninja Steel Ranger uses his magic to get them back. He then fights the Red Ninja Steel Ranger & Blue Ninja Steel Ranger before being taken down by a combined Steel Slash Attack. He grows giant after being blasted by the Gigantify Ray, fighting the Ninja Steel Megazord before being destroyed by the Ninja Steel Megazord Dragon Formation. Slogre later returns as a boss in Grave Robber in a timed level, fighting the Blue Ninja Steel Ranger one-on-one, overpowering him and slowing them all down with his slow mist, making the Ninja Steel Rangers lose his level.
Voiced By: Jamie Linehan
“Drive To Survive”
Tangleweb is a spider/refrigerator-themed warrior contestant that attempted to obtain the Ninja Power Stars by capturing the Ninja Steel Rangers in his backpack, successfully capturing three of them before fighting and capturing the Red Ninja Steel Ranger, retreating after to take a nap. He later return to capture the Yellow Ninja Steel Ranger and succeeds, but this is revealed to be intentional, where he breaks himself and his teammates out with the Mega Morph Cycle. He then fights all five Ninja Steel Rangers, where he is taken down by a barrage of attacks from the Ninja Battle Morphers. He grows giant after being blasted by the Gigantify Ray, fighting and trapping the Ninja Steel Zords in his spider webs until the introduction of a new zord, the Rumble Tusk Zord, where it is destroyed by the Rumble Tusk Ninja Steel Megazord.
Voiced By: Kelson Henderson
“My Friend Redbot”
Badpipes is tengu/bagpipes-themed warrior contestant that attempts to use his magic bagpipes to hypnotize the Ninja Steel Rangers to make them give him their Ninja Power Stars. He first attempts to use his power on the White Ninja Steel Ranger but is stopped by Redbot, fighting them until they retreat after a distraction from Kody. He later accompanies Ripcon when he attempts to steal the Ninja Power Stars from the other four Ninja Steel Rangers, failing after being blasted by the Mega Morph Cycle driven by the White Ninja Steel Ranger. He then fights four of the Ninja Steel Rangers while the Red Ninja Steel Ranger fought Ripcon, being taken down by a Battle Morpher Arrow Blast from the Blue Ninja Steel Ranger & Pink Ninja Steel Ranger. He grows giant after being blasted by the Gigantify Ray, fighting the Ninja Steel Megazord before being destroyed by the Rumble Tusk Ninja Steel Megazord.
Voiced By: Ian Hughes
“Hack Attack” & “Grave Robber”
Hacktrack is a satellite-themed warrior contestant that attempts to steal Ninja Steel Rangers techo gadgets, successfully stealing one of the Pink Ninja Steel Ranger’s Holo-Projectors. He uses it to create giant Holo Clones of Galvanax, using them to attack Summer Cove until the Pink Ninja Steel Ranger trick Hacktrack into absorbing a techno gadget with a virus inside of it, weakening him until he is able to reboot. He then fights the Ninja Steel Rangers, where he attempts to fight them but is taken down by a Five Ranger Ninja Strike Steel Slash. He grows giant after being blasted by the Gigantify Ray, attempting to get away from the Ninja Steel Rangers by traveling to space. Thankfully for the Ninja Steel Rangers, the Nexus Prism gives them the Astro Zord, destroying him with the Astro Ninja Steel Megazord. Hacktrack later returns as a boss in Grave Robber, where he challenges the Ninja Steel Rangers to chase him down, which they do with Ninja Kites, defeating him with a Radio Jammer created by the Pink Ninja Steel Ranger.
Galvanax Holo Clones
Voiced By: Richard Simpson
“Hack Attack”
The Galvanax Holo Clones are giant holo clones of Galvanax created by the warrior contestant, Hacktrack after he absorbs one of the Pink Ninja Steel Ranger’s Holo-Projectors. They attempt to destroy Summer Cove until they are destroyed after Hacktrack absorbs a device infected with a virus.
Galaxy Warrior Contestant
Voiced By: Mark Wright
“Gold Rush”
This Galaxy Warrior Contestant is sent down by Madame Odius to capture the Gold Ninja Steel Ranger for Galvanax but is destroyed in the attempt by the Gold Ninja Steel Ranger.
Skullgator II
“Gold Rush”
The Skullgator is a giant skeleton/alligator creature summoned by Cosmo Royale to fight the Ninja Steel Rangers after Ripcon doesn’t get enough votes to get gigantified. After being confused by a Ninja Clone Attack, he is destroyed by the Ninja Steel Megazord.
Voiced By: Phil Brown
“Rocking And Rolling”
Stonedozer is a golem/shovel-themed warrior contestant sent to Summer Cove with an army of Basherbot to cause some earthquakes to destroy the Ninja Steel Rangers. He causes a major earthquake while Levi Weston is performing a concert, thinking he’s destroyed the Ninja Steel Rangers after destroying the concert arena. However, they survived its destruction and fights the Gold Ninja Steel Ranger solo, where he is taken down by the Gold Ninja Steel Ranger’s Storm Star Tornado Mode. He grows giant after being blasted by the Gigantify Ray, fighting the Robo Rider Zord & Bull Zord before being destroyed by the combined efforts of the Rumble Tusk Ninja Steel Megazord & Bull Rider Megazord.
Voiced By: David Van Horn
“The Ranger Ribbon” “Grave Robber” & “The Adventures Of Redbot”
Trapsaw is a rat/chainsaw-themed warrior contestant and the brother of Ripperrat that attempts to fight the Ninja Steel Rangers with his traps, but ends up failing. He then attempts to cut down the Ribbon Tree after his traps end up failing, being stopped by the Ninja Steel Rangers and fighting the Blue Ninja Steel Ranger & Gold Ninja Steel Ranger before being taken down by a combined Hyper Arrow Blast & Rockstorm Blast. He grows giant after being blasted by the Gigantify Ray but is destroyed by the Ninja Steel Megazord. Trapsaw later returns as a boss in Grave Robber, fighting the Ninja Steel Rangers with an army of Kudabots before being destroyed by a sneak attack from the Red Ninja Steel Ranger. Trapsaw is also featured in a story written on Redbot’s blog where he is destroyed by a blast from Redbot’s blaster arms.
Voiced By: Yvette Parsons
“Poisonous Plots”
Toxitea is a tea kettle-themed warrior contestant that uses her powerful poison to poison the Red Ninja Steel Ranger so that Madame Odius could trade the antidote in exchange for their Ninja Power Stars. The White Ninja Steel Ranger tricks them into giving her the antidote by giving them fake Ninja Power Stars made of chocolate. Toxitea is then ordered to fight the Ninja Steel Rangers, fighting five of them while the Red Ninja Steel Rangers went after Madame Odius, with Toxitea being taken down by the Blue Ninja Steel Ranger’s Tornado Strike and the Gold Ninja Steel Ranger’s Ninja Lightning Strike. She grows giant after being blasted by the Gigantify Ray, fighting the Robo Red Zord & Robo Rider Zord before being destroyed by the combined efforts of the Ninja Steel Megazord & Bull Rider Megazord.
Aiden Romero (Robot)
Played By: Nick Beckwith
“The Ranger Ribbon” “Poisonous Plots” & “Family Fusion”
The Aiden Romero Robot is a robot created by Madame Odius that is given the memories of the real Aiden Romero so that he could trick Brody Romero into trusting him enough to let him inside their base so he could steal their Ninja Steel for Madame Odius. He also talks Ripcon into causing a distraction while he finds the base, which Madame Odius also uses to frame Ripcon into being a traitor. The Aiden Romero Robot eventually finds the base and nearly gets away with the Ninja Steel until Levi Weston stops him, transferring his memories to him before he is destroyed by a combined blast from the Ninja Blasters.
Skullgators III & IV
“Grave Robber”
The Skullgators are two giant skeleton/alligator creature summoned by Cosmo Royale to assist Ripcon in fighting the Ninja Steel Rangers. After becoming a sword for Ripcon to use in battle against the Ninja Steel Rangers, they are both destroyed by the Ninja Fusion Zord.
Played By: Jacob Dale
Voiced By: Rowan Bettjeman
“Ace And The Race”
Shoespike is a cyclops/running shoes-themed warrior contestant that planned on racing all of the Ninja Steel Rangers and turning them into trophies after defeating them in a race. He accomplishes this by taking a human form named Bob Shoespike and competing in a race being held near Lake Sunshine, putting the Red Ninja Steel Ranger & Gold Ninja Steel Ranger under a competitive spell and winning a relay race with them, turning the Blue Ninja Steel Ranger, White Ninja Steel Ranger & Pink Ninja Steel Ranger into trophies. He challenges the rest of the Ninja Steel Rangers to a three-legged race, where he attempt to cheat but still ends up losing, turning the captured Ninja Steel Rangers back to normal. After this, he fights the Ninja Steel Rangers with an army of Basherbots, fighting the Red Ninja Steel Ranger & Gold Ninja Steel Ranger before being taken down by the Red Ninja Steel Ranger’s Steel Slash and the Gold Ninja Steel Ranger’s Ninja Lightning Strike. He grows giant after being blasted by the Gigantify Ray, fighting the Robo Red Zord, Robo Rider Zord & Nitro Zord before being destroyed by the Ninja Fusion Zord.
Lord Drillion
Voiced By: Joseph Wycoff
“The Royal Rival” & “The Royal Rumble”
Lord Drillion is a lion/toolbox-themed warrior contestant from the Lion Galaxy and the personal bodyguard of Princess Viera, accompanying her to Earth when she competes on Galaxy Warriors. He is tasked with fighting the Ninja Steel Rangers in her place, later betraying her after she starts to go soft and aligns himself with Galvanax when he offers to assist him in becoming the new ruler of the Lion Galaxy. He attempts to destroy her when she befriends the Pink Ninja Steel Ranger but is stopped by the Ninja Steel Rangers, overpowering them with his wide array of weapons. He is grown giant after being blasted with the Gigantify Ray and is given two Skullgators, overpowering the Ninja Fusion Zord until Princess Viera forces him to retreat after she blasts him with her Lion Ship. Drillion later returns after getting an upgrade from Madame Odius and attempts to destroy the Lion Ship but is stopped by the Ninja Steel Rangers, overpowering them again until the Red Ninja Steel Ranger is given the Lion Fire Armor, taking him down with a Lion Fire Flame Strike. He is grown giant again by the Gigantify Ray, fighting the Lion Fire Zord before being destroyed by the Lion Fire Megazord.
Skullgators V & VI
“Grave Robber”
The Skullgators are two giant skeleton/alligator creatures summoned by Cosmo Royale to assist Lord Drillion in fighting the Ninja Steel Rangers. They are both destroyed by the Ninja Fusion Zord.
Elderly Woman
Played By: Margaret Blay
“Grave Robber”
The Elderly Women donates a box of junk to Summer Cove High School, which also contains the board game, Grave Robber.
Grave Robber Monsters
(Trapsaw, Hacktrack, Slogre & Spinferno)
Voiced By: David Van Horn, Ian Hughes & Greg Ward
“Grave Robber”
Cosmo Royale uses four former warrior contests as bosses in the board game, Grave Robber to fight the Ninja Steel Rangers.
Skullgator VII
“Grave Robber”
The Skullgator is a giant skeleton/alligator creature summoned by Cosmo Royale to fight the Ninja Steel Rangers in the board game, Grave Robber. Despite help from the Robo Rider Zord, he is destroyed by the Astro Ninja Steel Megazord.
Skullgator VIII
“Grave Robber”
The Skullgator is a giant skeleton/alligator creature summoned by Cosmo Royale to fight the Ninja Steel Rangers in the board game, Grave Robber. It is summoned by Cosmo Royale after the first Skullgator is destroyed, being destroyed himself by the Bull Rider Megazord.
Robo Rider Zord
“Grave Robber”
The Robo Rider Zord is turned evil by Cosmo Royale in the board game, Grave Robber.
It is tasked with fighting the Robo Red Zord until it is piloted by the Gold Ninja Steel Ranger.
Voiced By: Simon McKinney
Also Voiced By: William Shewfelt, Peter Sudarso, Nico Greetham, Chrysti Ane, Zoe Robins & Jordi Webber
“Monkey Business”
Phonepanzee is a chimpanzee/payphone-themed warrior contestant that has the ability to copy anyone’s voice, using this power to copy all the voices of the Ninja Steel Rangers. He uses this power to lure them into a trap to steal their Ninja Power Stars, successfully capturing the Red Ninja Power Star, Pink Ninja Power Star & Yellow Ninja Star until he messes up after calling the Gold Ninja Steel Ranger as the White Ninja Steel Ranger when he pretends to be her on the phone. The White Ninja Steel Ranger & Gold Ninja Steel Ranger then fight him while the Blue Ninja Steel Ranger rescued their captured teammates. After the captured Ninja Steel Rangers get their Ninja Power Stars back, Phonephanzee is taken down by Blade Slash Final Attack from the Red Ninja Steel Ranger & White Ninja Steel Ranger. He is grown giant by the Gigantify Ray, fighting their zord with his sonic boom until the Kodiak Zord negates this and is destroyed by the combined efforts of the Ninja Steel Megazord and the Bull Rider Megazord.
Cat O’Clock
Voiced By: Charlie McDermott
“The Adventures Of Redbot”
Cat O’Clock is a cat/clock-themed warrior contestant that attempts to obtain the Ninja Power Stars by infecting Redbot’s Books with a spell that freeze them. He successfully freeze all of them, but flees after Kody chase him off, with Redbot freeing them from the freeze spell. The Ninja Steel Rangers then go after Cat O’Clock, fighting the White Ninja Steel Ranger & Red Ninja Steel Ranger and has the upper hand until he accidentally reveals his chest clock weakness, which the White Ninja Steel Ranger fires with an Arrow Blast with her Ninja Battle Morpher. He is then taken down by a combined Ninja Strike Steel Slash from the Red Ninja Steel Ranger & White Ninja Steel Ranger. He is grown giant by the Gigantify Ray, fighting the Kodiak Zord before being destroyed Rumble Tusk Ninja Steel Megazord.
Voiced By: Murray Keane
Abrakadanger is a carpet/magician-themed warrior contestant that attempted to use his magic against the Ninja Steel Rangers, turning three of them into toys and hurling the Gold Ninja Steel Ranger across the country. After the Blue Ninja Steel Ranger reverses this spell, he fights them in Oak Hill Plaza, where he is taken down after the Blue Ninja Steel Ranger turns the Red Ninja Steel Ranger into a Magic Dragon before he performs a Steel Slash Attack. He is grown giant by the Gigantify Ray, fighting and defeating the Ninja Steel Megazord Dragon Formation before being destroyed by the Bull Rider Megazord.
Voiced By: Darren Young
“Helping Hand”
Forcefear is a nurikabe/railroad crossing signal-themed warrior contestant that attempts to fight off the Ninja Steel Rangers with his powerful forcefield. He is able to take all their attacks until the Ninja Steel Rangers are forced to retreat from battle. He is later grown giant after being blasted by the Gigantify Ray, fighting the Ninja Steel Megazord, Bull Rider Megazord & Lion Fire Megazord before being destroyed by the Ninja Ultrazord.
Voiced By: Chelsea McEwan Millar
“Past, Presents, And Future”
Cleocatra is a cat/clock-themed monster and the cousin of Cat O’Clock that travels to Summer Cove on Christmas to destroy the Ninja Steel Rangers. Sarah Thompson steals her Time Controller to travel back in time with Santa Claus to obtain the Ninja Power Stars so that they could morph into the Ninja Steel Rangers. After succeeding in this, they fight her, with the Red Ninja Steel Ranger transforming into the Red Lion Fire Ranger before accidentally growing giant after pushing a button on her Time Controller. She also presses a button the Time Controller to grow giant, fighting him and the Robo Red Zord before being destroyed by a Lion Fire Flame Strike.